Its Halloween...
I'd be lying if I said I do not miss having children of my own but you cannot change how your life has ended up and I guess in the end though for most of us having a family enriches it, that is not always so and more than ever these days when they fly the nest even with access to the internet they are usually living miles away and often abroad.
The sun is out and it seems almost a pleasant day. I know as a child I did a couple of Halloween(Christmas Carolling too)Back then it was not known as Trick or Treat(That dates me)I'm not even aware that I dressed in a costume or took a lighted pumpkin/turnip either and I only did so a couple of times. I don't think I ever did "Penny for the guy!"(For anyone reading from abroad that is another event of an Historic nature in the UK known as Bonfire Night)Not sure as the memory is a bit cloudy. I know that we never put Halloween decorations up nor carved a lantern.
It just did not seem to happen around here.
Having said that for years we had callers but for many years it has been so quiet for any of the traditional events like this even though the amount of stuff on sale in the supermarkets are up. I suspect and its a bit sad but understandable many parents host their own parties and invite friends and family where they know everyone will be safe.
I'm thinking(and it will cost me a little bit of money)if I can find something reduced even better. I'm going to look this afternoon to see if I can find something edible with a Halloween theme(cakes/biscuits)to take a long to my little bingo club tonight. If I'd thought sooner I could have made something myself. It may come to nothing but we'll see. It may turn out to be too expensive. We usually average around 26-30 people.
I have a diced chicken breast casserole in the Slow cooker(with added cauliflower, broccoli, carrot, swede and leeks)so something warming to go out with. And I may have some more for supper when I come home again...
I was thinking of popping through to a market being held in Darlington with a Halloween theme but I don't need anything and the specialties on sale will probably be quite expensive even if nice but the Supermarket may have some items on a kind of buy one get one free offer or where for an extra 50p you get another box of something.
I will head out shortly and see what I am able to find...
Update:Found some shortbread fingers, they'll do...anything with a Halloween theme would probably be costly.
Had to speak to the neighbour earlier as we had to pass in the street. I phoned the water company earlier today as it happens who still say that there is there is nothing wrong, that I have nothing to fear. She says the water company are going to look down the drains with a camera. She wasn't here and I know which direction they cleared the drain. She was not here but claims they did the clearing in a different direction. So who knows what happens next. The only thing that we agree on is that the HA says it has nothing to do with them.
But that means until things progress still further there is no point contacting even the CAB for advice.
The water company wanted things left until they came out but its been cleared, I assume they've taken photo's.
I will go and play bingo and forget about things.
Update2:Played bingo but did not win. The shortbread was popular but there is some left so I can take it again next week. There were some sausage rolls and birthday cake as it happened tonight when I got there.
I was given some raffle tickets to sell to go towards some Christmas Hampers etc...but as I know no one to sell them to, I purchased them myself, I may be lucky...who knows. If I win a bingo game between now and the end of the year I'll have got my money back. I gave my chocolates too. The night only lasts around two hours but it gets you into company.
I'll not say there were a lot of children out for Halloween but as I made my way to the club I did see some making the effort and parents close by(some parents were dressed in costumes too and going along with it)so its not totally dead. It probably depends where you live on a town as whether many do it.
I think some will wait until the weekend and have a party.