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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Home Again...

No win at the bingo(close a few times waiting for one number)

I came home and placed two chicken breasts wrapped in bacon into the slow cooker with two small sausages and some broccoli, potato, leeks, carrot, swede, cauliflower and some gravy. Don't know how long it will take to cook or how successful. I'm in no hurry...I would list the ingredients and recipe but what do you need to know? I threw anything I had to hand into the cooker, in quite chunky pieces. What's to tell?

I'm settled, rested and reasonably cosy. Don't need anything in particular. Debating whether to go to the light show in Roker Park but think I'll wait until next week as when the clocks go back it could mean the evening starts to get dark earlier so if I go through I can get the effect earlier.

I will just have an easy weekend and do a little more tidying up. There is so little to do. And most rooms are quite empty so I still can't understand the constant check on me and what I do...

Update:Boo the slow cooker meal is cooked and delicious...but its the middle of the night so I've turned it to low and will perhaps have it for lunch and save the rest for another day. Its cooked quicker and easier than the home made soup. So the SC is not always that slow in reality.


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