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Monday, October 21, 2013

Small Steps...

My garden is overgrown and I called someone and was quoted around the £225-£240 mark but it does involve a lot of work I don't know if I am being done. What do I know. I used to have a gardener that Mum knew so he was inexpensive but it has to be done. I hate seeing such a sum having to be used for such a job.

At least once its tidy there is nothing to do until March.

Now by chance I have found someone willing to do my garden for £150 and take everything away just have to make the phone call to cancel the original person.

Isn't it funny my HA has nothing to do with the drain problem and wanted nothing to do with it when I made the effort to see them today but are now kind of helping in a round about way...They phoned the water company and say someone(I assume the water company)will do a survey of the neighbour's property.

I may not care for him but the guy who called and had me do the clear out some months ago is calling on Thursday to have general chit chat about it all. I am guessing unofficially.

I sound quite worried and yet am quite calm if I am honest and will drop it for a while now. I guess I am looking for a definite end to matters.

The water company looked at the plans for this area and I appear to be in the best position for being near the sewer. So should have the least problems of everyone.

I have put my vacuum cleaner in for repair but will decide whether to buy a new one. The £20 charge can go towards the cost of a new one or the repair of the one I have already.

So a couple of bits of better news?

Update:Since writing the above I suddenly decided to go and book the final few shows at the local theatre that I wanted to see. So all is sorted well into next year. I used my complimentary tickets towards the cost. Not so many I wish to see at present.

It really was a struggle and my mobility was poor but at least I was ok on the bus there and back. I was able to get another to take me to the theatre so I only had to walk from home to the first stop in the journey and when I returned here. Oh and how easily pleased I am these days. As I came home I called into a well known discount supermarket and purchased some wooden coat hangers. I have never purchased a coat hanger in my life. But now I can hang my heavy coats and jackets also some trousers, I'm tired of the wire and plastic type that just break. At £2.99 for six I may buy some more before they sell out.

I discovered that the Sage Gateshead at the great idea of putting two concerts of John Wilson and his orchestra playing music of Hollywood and at last I may be able to attend because one is on an afternoon. But the seats have all but gone and I'd be at the back and really high up but then I looked at the price approx £50. So on this occasion I'll pass. Perhaps one day I will go. Maybe when I have not seen many other shows during a year and save up for what is a truly special event.


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