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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ho Hum...Its Tuesday...

I cancelled my appointment with the CAB as nothing much has yet and I want to see what happens with my housing association after the next visit as that will determine if they get included in the mix too.

Its sunny but chilly and you know many throw their windows and doors open and get fresh air into their homes but my HA would probably be going on about the place being cold if they called. I'm not cold, I've been snugly in bed, have warm drinks and meals to hand and can put an extra jumper on...I'm OK.

Getting back into sorting Mums clothes and getting ready to let go of more items.At least that's the plan.

Oh and now the vacuum is repaired, give the house a good going over. There is not much else to report at present, its better that way but I know it won't stay like that, life never does. If I talk of something else it will probably be a rant against the Government and I tend to do that on Twitter...

The person taking the garden rubbish found that it was in too large pieces so is coming again on Sunday and during the day time so he can see what he's doing.

The good news is that tonight, I have been invited out for my Christmas meal on Christmas Day so I won't be alone this year. How thoughtful is that?


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