I Like As Little To Do With Authority As Possible...
The garden is coming on in leaps and bounds(but come to a halt)until Sunday, the gardener needs a better lawn mower and to lend a chain saw. The moss in the garden needs to dry out.
The person from the Housing Association came today, my dear friend who I met at the Music Club and through this forum gave me a bit of a different viewpoint on the two that called(the same couple who called during the clearing of my house)but again he took it as an excuse to look around the house...again.
So much for leaving it until next year.
Now he may have said he was coming out to see all is well regarding the drain problem/neighbours but he's talking about coming again in November
what's the betting he want's another tour of the house...again! As my friend says they may be watching out for my well being but I do wonder if there is an underlying reason.
He mentioned the house was cold(ish)I forgot the doors were open for the gardener and the thermometer is next to the front door so what do they expect? Remind me to mention that was why the house was cold next time he comes. I'm £450 in credit with the utility company so can afford to use it more during the Winter(having saved up during the Summer)
I'm in credit with the rent until January(he wanted to give me a refund)but it will reduce soon enough and I am not paying rent/water at present so that's like getting the money back each week anyhow.
If I feel there is a rabbit off I'll maybe contact my MP again. I pulled out of doing so the last time.
Always glad to see the back of them.
Update:My day has been made by such a kind gesture from my gardener...he was concerned about the visit and gave me a phone call and thinks I am being intimidated, he's not a fan and has to deal with the same HA. He has said next time they come he is willing to be here as a witness and give me support, now how kind is that.
The person from the Housing Association came today, my dear friend who I met at the Music Club and through this forum gave me a bit of a different viewpoint on the two that called(the same couple who called during the clearing of my house)but again he took it as an excuse to look around the house...again.

Now he may have said he was coming out to see all is well regarding the drain problem/neighbours but he's talking about coming again in November

He mentioned the house was cold(ish)I forgot the doors were open for the gardener and the thermometer is next to the front door so what do they expect? Remind me to mention that was why the house was cold next time he comes. I'm £450 in credit with the utility company so can afford to use it more during the Winter(having saved up during the Summer)
I'm in credit with the rent until January(he wanted to give me a refund)but it will reduce soon enough and I am not paying rent/water at present so that's like getting the money back each week anyhow.
If I feel there is a rabbit off I'll maybe contact my MP again. I pulled out of doing so the last time.
Always glad to see the back of them.
Update:My day has been made by such a kind gesture from my gardener...he was concerned about the visit and gave me a phone call and thinks I am being intimidated, he's not a fan and has to deal with the same HA. He has said next time they come he is willing to be here as a witness and give me support, now how kind is that.
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