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Monday, October 21, 2013

When Its Not Your Doing And Bother Comes Looking For You...

My HA...did not want to know.

They say the water company does all water/sewage work. If it is seen as a dispute between neighbours I have to go to the county council. Again they don't want to know about that.

They even suggested that the neighbour coming into my garden and opening the drain/taking photo's is not trespassing so by that line anyone could enter my property.

I came home and tried for legal aid at the only solicitor on town and was given a number to call who put me in touch with a National CAB advice line costing 5p a minute.

Thankfully after it costing £1 they went away to look into my case and phoned me back. No real joy on that score either

The only kind gesture today was the bus driver who took me to the HA offices was doing the return trip and saw me struggling to get to a bus stop on the other side of the road quite a distance away and he pulled into the layby and waited for me. I did not know it was him and thought the bus had arrived early so was catching up on time. And he'd pull away as I reached the bus.

But he was waiting for me...

Been back in touch with the water company, tried to go higher up the chain but was still passed to the call centre. They suggest seeing a lawyer. Phoned another one to see if I can get free advice and it looks like I have to pay but have no idea how much that will cost me. And it won't be cheap.

I feel like a good swear for what good it will do...


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