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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Drains 2

The way the water company talked to me today, they more or less put my mind at rest and said don't worry, I think the neighbour is looking for someone to blame. Also as said how do you prove whose sewage belongs to who.

Me out shopping at 7am? Still I have shopped at 1am before so...

I never would've before losing Mum...

A quick shop today they had "Finest" bread with discount so purchased a wholemeal loaf and a Pumpkin seed loaf. Some rolls(I want a bacon roll)but will stick to the original plan I am thinking of having that meal I mentioned for teatime. Could I make the bread cheaper...probably not. Anyone in the UK knows with that branding what supermarket I was in...they've increased the range.

There were some "Finest" brand oven chips selling as cheap as McCains too. I also purchased some corned beef, spring onions/mixed salad so that should keep me going for a while. It still cost around £9.

Its nasty out there but I popped out and put some money into my bank to cover possible direct debit payments that may be due. I got some potatoes too. I'm resting again. Doing so means I can do a little more.

Exciting life...


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