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Monday, October 14, 2013

I Haven't Really Slept But...

I get plenty of that anyhow and I can sneak a nap during the day.

Getting ready for the visit from the people coming to clear the drains...Hoping its quick and easy.

Then I want to get out and buy some bread and rolls which I am out of and though I plan to make more of my own for quickness, its easier to go out and buy it.

Today I plan to concentrate on having some nice meals and bother a little more today.

Oh and I will have to sign up to a new energy plan. I wish to try and freeze the prices because they will definitely increase possibly in the next week or two. I can secure them for one or two years but if I am prepared to pay an extra £3.50 a month I can secure the price until late 2017. The prices will never go down so that seems the best deal. I get some discount over the year and can leave without a penalty clause.

If I continue to use as little as I do now and my income doesn't drop much more(other bills rise)I may not miss that extra charge. I hate having to sort out utility bills. However, if I have read my latest online bill correctly I am nearly £500 in credit so if I suddenly cannot pay, I won't be without electric and gas immediately. I'll keep paying my monthly charges and let it build up. In theory one year I could stop paying and have enough to pay for one year without paying each month.


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