I Talked To Two Neighbours Today...
One lives seven houses down and in the last six weeks had a similar situation to me with the drains. A neighbour of hers tried it on. The other neighbour says every other garden has a drain for rain water and another for "Stuff" so no wonder my other neighbour did not have a blockage because his is for rainwater. I think I have that right.
So it looks like all will be well even if we end up "Not Talking?"
Here's something as we head for Halloween that may make you smile and possibly laugh from The Simon's Cat series.
It still makes sense without sound(I know some cannot listen to video's posted)
So it looks like all will be well even if we end up "Not Talking?"
Here's something as we head for Halloween that may make you smile and possibly laugh from The Simon's Cat series.
It still makes sense without sound(I know some cannot listen to video's posted)
I do not censor comments and never in my life have I not posted them even if it disagrees with me. But I have one sitting in moderation section that was so nasty the way it was put together I really do feel like deleting it.
It is because of some criticism of authority figures that have visited me of late but unless you are present and see or hear what happened...well you can guess the rest.
Most of the time those in the front line have been kind and I have said so previously. I have worked with the public on the front line so I also know how funny the public can be and the difficulty some in the front line have to deal with.
I have upset someone in another place by something that was misread and others piled in on top often having no idea what they were even commenting on.
It had died down and I did not respond but some like to resurrect things. And the comment sounds as though it may be connected.
Oh well...
This means nothing to anyone else and most of you kind enough to read my musings. Nor should it.
I do reread some of my postings and sometimes see something that needs ammending and I had used two mild terms, they really were that mild but I decided to remove them before this angry post was sent to me.
Don't even know if I should have posted either of these comments as I have no intention of carrying it on.
If everything works out I'll be the first to praise those concerned and say thanks...
How fair am I...in hindsight my comments above could be misread(keep digging a hole Gildy)I should say that due to a misunderstanding a post was sent here and it has been sent as a result of the spat and there are a few possible suspects.
Don't assume it is the person who took offence.
Is that clear? I hope so.
I so want to acknowledge a post from anon and for kindness shown...I think you'll know who you are, your perception is spot on.
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