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Monday, October 28, 2013

Its Monday...

A new week begins...

I could go on about the battering the UK has taken in the last twelve hours or so, its been reported in the media(I've only heard a little of the coverage)and seen images online but without playing the effects of the storm down as lives have been lost we have been fortunate that the swathe of damage and destruction has been minimal and affected the far south of England the most, also passed over land quite quickly.

Most of the problems would appear to have been caused by fallen trees across roads and railway lines, onto cars and onto property.

My own experience of the approaching bad weather was limited to yesterday evening between 7pm and 10.30pm and it was pretty nasty with deserted streets and debris and leaves flying everywhere but it was virtually gone as I returned home and so calm overnight.

Today, its just dull. Is it cold? Chilly, I'd say and an extra jumper, some warm food/hot drinks will help or diving under a warm duvet/blankets.

Debating if I still need to attend the appointment about the drains which was arranged for tomorrow with the local branch of a national advice service that exists in the UK...whether just to see if it pans out. If I attend wondering if I should keep quiet for now about being overly visited by the Housing Association or again to keep quiet for now.

I'd like to give them warning of cancelling but will decide in the morning. The appointment is not until tomorrow afternoon.

I don't have to go out but will decide later on that, thinking I could do with a new knapsack and a discount supermarket seemed to have a good deal on one of their special buy promotion.

I am rearranging the airing cupboard and wardrobes at present and once again sorting out clothes belonging to Mum which I feel I will pass into the charity shop chains again I can't put them to any use and they are so lovely and bring memories of Mum. But I'm not sure I gain from keeping some of them and what would I keep?

I have turned a wardrobe unit into one that now has all my clothes in it(coats, jackets, shirts, jumpers, trousers, gloves, hats, scarves, thermals, pyjamas, dressing gowns, shoes and slippers)Have I missed anything? I have managed to stash my store of toilet rolls in there too.

The airing cupboard now has bedding, pillows, tea towels, towels and the like. And there may be room for some extra items in time.

Another inbuilt wardrobe has become my foodbank space and if I free up some more space in another I may be able to share that food store over a couple. And the inbuilt one in my other bedroom may be used to keep my magazines and books safe.

So I'm getting there...I always was on top of things and continue to be if I am allowed to do things my own way but as was said the other day on another post in the comment section...all these people who call to check on you(just like when you attend these medicals to prove if you are entitled to benefits due to illness/disability)you have to fit a criteria and they have to tick boxes. If you do not fit, you are criticised or seen as weird or awkward.

People will interfere.


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