Almost Done...And Dusted...
I have found these past few Autumns/Winters I have tended to hibernate. Oh I'll go out if there is a reason to and plan to this time but not through depression but being on my own I see nothing wrong in resting/sleeping. Staying cosy where possible.
I'd like to report that something interesting has happened here(but it hasn't)and I should get back to my occasional rants on something in the news and perhaps I will again. Got to keep my readers interested, I'm sure there will be more events and personal things to talk of soon.
Such as The Hollies concert tomorrow.
I have to be around in the morning as they want to read my electric and gas meters but could call anytime between 8am-1pm.
Now, I have had some comments about my bread...including from my friend Ann. I have finally got around to trying it and it tastes fine so I guess its a success
and a good start. I totally agree about it needing butter and now probably a variety of spreads, jams etc...its quite small so probably unsuitable for sandwiches but I have baked a traditional loaf before so that will be my next experiment.
Having said that if I can continue to get some of what is baked in the supermarket and especially when they are reduced in price, I could not make them any cheaper but its good to know you have a skill and you'll never run out of bread as long as you have yeast, flour and water to hand.
Of course I have forgotten that I now have a bread machine so I could make life even easier for myself because I could let it make my loaves. Or mix the dough in it and take it out and use the oven. And the bread machine is said to be cheaper to run than the main oven so a few options are open to me.
This perhaps sounds strange but as I have run out of space in my kitchen I often make my bread and some meals in my bedroom(but that's only making my home like a bedsit)If I can stay put and afford the bedroom tax I have been thinking of turning the small bedroom into a mini kitchen containing a microwave, my electric kettle and a mini fridge or freezer(possibly a mini oven/grill)which would sometimes save having to go downstairs at all.
I'd like to report that something interesting has happened here(but it hasn't)and I should get back to my occasional rants on something in the news and perhaps I will again. Got to keep my readers interested, I'm sure there will be more events and personal things to talk of soon.
Such as The Hollies concert tomorrow.
I have to be around in the morning as they want to read my electric and gas meters but could call anytime between 8am-1pm.
Now, I have had some comments about my bread...including from my friend Ann. I have finally got around to trying it and it tastes fine so I guess its a success

Having said that if I can continue to get some of what is baked in the supermarket and especially when they are reduced in price, I could not make them any cheaper but its good to know you have a skill and you'll never run out of bread as long as you have yeast, flour and water to hand.
Of course I have forgotten that I now have a bread machine so I could make life even easier for myself because I could let it make my loaves. Or mix the dough in it and take it out and use the oven. And the bread machine is said to be cheaper to run than the main oven so a few options are open to me.
This perhaps sounds strange but as I have run out of space in my kitchen I often make my bread and some meals in my bedroom(but that's only making my home like a bedsit)If I can stay put and afford the bedroom tax I have been thinking of turning the small bedroom into a mini kitchen containing a microwave, my electric kettle and a mini fridge or freezer(possibly a mini oven/grill)which would sometimes save having to go downstairs at all.
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