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Tuesday, October 15, 2013


More worries...well I hope not...As I went out for my shopping trip I found a note from my neighbour saying that her passage has been flooded with raw sewage and seeped under laminate flooring and she's had to throw out carpeting and they want to know who is to blame as the persons responsible should replace and pay for the cost.

This assumes I am to blame especially as I called the water people out and they assume I was the cause of the blockage. I did so because they know I rent(I assume they thought if I report it as I rent it costs nothing)

But it turns out if the other neighbours(at least 5 properties)knew there was a blockage the water company told me that they should have called them out and sooner. That I should have nothing to worry about.

That I could have called them out myself instead of going through my landlord and their repair service but I did what I thought was right by calling their repair service. They came out yesterday morning then passed it onto the water company who came out within four hours of them being informed.

They were only with me a few minutes and spent more time further down the street where we did not even know of a blockage.

I have contents insurance but not building insurance so I assume I am covered by the insurance my Landlord has on its properties.

The Water Company says I do not need to inform my landlord as it was their responsibility to clear the drains and there are all kinds of reasons a drain can be blocked often its just unfortunate and where its often not any particular person to blame.

I do know there were not any blockages until they moved in and had a conservatory built(he's a builder)and I know he did something with a drainpipe not long after moving in(could that have something to do with it)who knows?

I do know they changed their back garden a lot and added more paving tiles and removed a lot of the lawn etc...that probably hasn't helped either.

Always something to worry.


Anonymous VQ said...

Have any of the neighbours got young babies, Gildy?
I believe that a lot of drain blockages are caused by trying to flush away disposable nappies.

15 October 2013 at 09:20  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I thought about that too VQ but none on my side of the street and this drain runs the length of the street in the back gardens. The other problem is people putting fat into the system.

The impression is(from the water company)I did everything right, its just one of those things, they again suggest they knowing they had blocked drains should not have left it to me. That I should not worry.

I mentioned this on another site I frequent and got some support and advice saying I have nothing to worry about.

Feeling a bit better...

15 October 2013 at 10:23  
Anonymous VQ said...

Surely the person who had sewage seeping through her flooring should have called out the water people as soon as she knew there was a problem.
I can't see how they can possibly blame you.
You have nothing to worry about, Gildy.

15 October 2013 at 12:11  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Well VQ,
With up to five properties affected. They are so sure its me.

I'm really easy to get on with but not a push over.

Even the water company said I do not need to contact my Landlord and to leave it with them. :o)

The neighbour did not arrange any access for anyone to enter her garden. They used my garden because I reported it and I could give access but they could have done the work from any garden.

15 October 2013 at 12:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If she has toilet paper floating in her house, you could check to see if its the same brand as yours.

15 October 2013 at 23:10  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Not being funny and this is personal but I use so little and eat very little so if anyone should not have such a problem with the drains it should be me.

I don't flush items that you are not supposed to and as said earlier I don't put food/fat down the sink.

15 October 2013 at 23:52  
Anonymous VQ said...

Anon's comment made me laugh.
I don't think anybody would want to look that closely! Ewwww.

16 October 2013 at 14:31  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Only those who deal with such matters for a living. Not sure its a feasible idea.

Not my choice VQ :o)

Its gone quiet and no sign of anyone calling about it so far.

16 October 2013 at 14:42  

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