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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

In Three Hours...

The difference to my garden is amazing. Its been bucketing down and still the lawns are cut and shrubs cut back and the back garden is much lighter. And said person is coming back to continue the work either tomorrow or the weekend.

One less thing to worry over. I might have left one shrub as protection against a fence blowing down in strong winds but we'll see how it goes. Just happy to see it tidy.

I was in time to visit a concert in Coxhoe as last month but decided to miss it this time. And take it easy. May go out later and see if anything nice has been reduced for a meal. Its a break from being indoors.

Think I'll have a nice coffee(I've found my cafetiere again)so may try some ground coffee from my food store eventually. I'll have another banana sandwich(at least I am eating fruit again)and I have my soup for later.

And I think its time to take my medication...

Its not warm but I have known it be colder(not wearing any thermals yet)so that's good. Any saving on the central heating is welcome.

The person doing my lawn was drinking a cup of Costa coffee and admitted to having two most days. Spending £2.35 on each. One of those is often more than I spend on a meal. That's around £35 a week on coffee!

Update:I had my second portion of home made soup and it was lovely. I also managed to get myself a ladle and two knives(a vegetable and a cooks knife)and I only spent £2.65.

Oh and though I haven't much hair I decided to have a haircut and that will last me another 3-4 months and for the first time ever in my life, she tidied up my eyebrows.

Taking it easy now.


Anonymous VQ said...

The last two sentences of your update made me smile broadly. :-)

24 October 2013 at 08:57  

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