Am I A Scrooge?
This was written elsewhere and I thought it was so like a blog entry, I would put it here too...
My heart is in the right place. I am a sucker for all the sugary sweet programmes and stories associated with Christmas, Santa Claus, Pantomime and also the real reason behind it. I think I will again attend the late Christmas service at the church(I wonder why I seem oblivious to danger walking alone at such late hours)
The family orientated image Christmas is given in the media(for many)is stressful and nothing like the image that we are supposed to live up to and trying to keep it special for children is hard.
The media these days does less to make it special and for many it is just a holiday and the media seems scared of upsetting those who do not believe in it or are of a different religious persuasion.
I love the sparkly decorations and alone I have no intention of buying or putting up a Christmas tree/lights/decorations for myself. I don't suppose I will buy the chocolates and fancies either. I may give in and buy some of the Christmas pudding/Stollen slices though.
I am determined to make a Christmas meal this year, it didn't happen last year as planned. I'm not sure why.
The music club I attend will have a buffet and show a few days before. The same week the bingo club I now go to will have a Christmas Dinner at a local pub with some entertainment so that will get me amongst people even if I return home alone. It can be a happy but sad time for many and probably is a nostalgic fest for many of times gone by when there was family and friends around.
But in November in memory of Mum and myself I will start to play all my Christmas music, I have so much of it and so many different versions so you don't tire of hearing the same arrangements and singers. I'll stick it on shuffle and let it go...that was another part of Christmas I neglected last year.
So not totally a Scrooge?
My heart is in the right place. I am a sucker for all the sugary sweet programmes and stories associated with Christmas, Santa Claus, Pantomime and also the real reason behind it. I think I will again attend the late Christmas service at the church(I wonder why I seem oblivious to danger walking alone at such late hours)
The family orientated image Christmas is given in the media(for many)is stressful and nothing like the image that we are supposed to live up to and trying to keep it special for children is hard.
The media these days does less to make it special and for many it is just a holiday and the media seems scared of upsetting those who do not believe in it or are of a different religious persuasion.
I love the sparkly decorations and alone I have no intention of buying or putting up a Christmas tree/lights/decorations for myself. I don't suppose I will buy the chocolates and fancies either. I may give in and buy some of the Christmas pudding/Stollen slices though.
I am determined to make a Christmas meal this year, it didn't happen last year as planned. I'm not sure why.
The music club I attend will have a buffet and show a few days before. The same week the bingo club I now go to will have a Christmas Dinner at a local pub with some entertainment so that will get me amongst people even if I return home alone. It can be a happy but sad time for many and probably is a nostalgic fest for many of times gone by when there was family and friends around.
But in November in memory of Mum and myself I will start to play all my Christmas music, I have so much of it and so many different versions so you don't tire of hearing the same arrangements and singers. I'll stick it on shuffle and let it go...that was another part of Christmas I neglected last year.
So not totally a Scrooge?
Apologies a comment left here has disappeared and I cannot save it. It was not censored. I appreciate how difficult it is to leave a comment in the first place.
I have managed to salvage it by chance but it looks as though I have said it.
Anon Said:
"Although I don't think I was ever mean in a monatary sense.
Years ago I use to look on the Scrooge story with a certain smugness- but now with my parents both gone the ghost depicted of Christmas future is all too real for me.
Incredible that Dickens was able to observe all this at a young age"
Anon, many of us try to live by the adage "Not to give in and enjoy life as its not what those dearest to you would want to see"
It is easier said than done. You make an interesting point and I know many of us are in a similar situation.
All the best to you.
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