in the afternoon yesterday and woke to discover that it was 5.30pm, so it was a quick shave and dress. I was about to head out the door and was greeted with an almighty downpour which would drown anyone so I had to dig out a heavier coat able to cope with such extreme weather.
And by the time I was reorganised the rain had stopped. And when I boarded the bus(I timed arriving at the bus stop as a bus arrived)so no waiting and I was too hot so took off my hat and gloves.
I dropped my cards into the letterbox as I passed the main Post Office and arrived in good time for the Viennese concert at the local theatre. What can I say? It was a beautiful night of light classics, some I knew, others were new to me by Strauss, Lehar, Brahms, Liszt and the like.
Music of a gentler, romantic time. A couple of hours to totally forget the cares of the world both personally and globally.
Because of detouring from my usual route to the theatre(mailing the cards)I seemed to find a quicker way there but also discovered another venue I thought was further away from the town centre and needed a bus service to get to is in fact...virtually at the back of the theatre, there is nothing I wish to see at present but there has been and may be again. So that is a new discovery for me.
Their weekly jazz get togethers clash with the club I attend on my own town(Sundays)and that really is a bad night for catching a bus anyhow.
I only had to wait for around twenty minutes for my bus home...I called into the supermarket and got my computer magazine(at last)some cucumber, mixed salad. I found some household items that will be useful/I wanted anyhow.
A room thermometer, a bag for putting smaller/delicate items into when in the washing machine, some shot glasses and six wooden coat hangers. I want to hang my thicker jumpers rather than try and fill drawers/cupboards.
When I came home I wanted to make a coffee. Can I find the 2 litre of milk I thought I had in the fridge? No!
So then I started looking in other rooms that I may have used it such as my bedroom where I have an electric kettle, the kitchen where I made my porridge and so on...I have drawn a blank. So now I wonder have I thrown it out in the wheelie bin with rubbish or have I used it all. I'll just buy another, perhaps tomorrow when I pay my utility bills and rent/water rates.
The weight I put on...perhaps it was mainly water I weighed myself tonight and found I had lost 5lbs of the 10lbs I had put on. And I have been drinking more warm drinks than usual.
Still no signs of anything happening at the house at the top of the road either people coming or going. It could be on a timer or someone is calling daily but there is a light on in the lounge as it becomes dark.