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Thursday, January 02, 2014

Day One Has Passed By...

three hundred and sixty four to go...and none of us know if we or our loved ones will be here at the same time, same place next year.

Eventful first day for me? No.

Much sleeping animated smileys sleeping 8no reason to go out. Bus service limited. I needed no food. The weather was wet.

I have been living on chicken salad either in rolls or on the plate. Lots of buffet stuff still to use. Plenty of hot drinks. Some treats(within reason)such as a custard Danishanimated smileys eating & drinking 9

I've found some crackers* in my food store so I can have some cheese and biscuits too.

I spent the early hours of the New Year looking around You Tube appreciating how much of my favourite TV is still buried in the past and I realise just how good it really was but its been so long since I watched, they are new to me. Some I watched as a child/teenager and though the opening credit/images/theme music others seem familiar but I am not sure that I did watch them.

Also, as many are American produced it depended on how many were shown here. Some never made it here. I'd say what they are but that may result in them being removed before I view them so I'll stay vague.

*Just had some with cheese and they're lovely, I'll be having these again...Unless they are discontinued.

There are other items I like the look of but haven't seen in the supermarket, it would appear only one UK supermarket sells them and only two varieties, then again they are American.


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