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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Its That Time Again...

Get shaved, get dressed and out for the BINGO...

BTW its The Chinese New Year today or will soon...It is in China as they are ahead in time

Gung Hay Fat Choi! The only Chinese I know and initially I spelt one word incorrectly. Sorted.

Update:Home from the bingo, had a good shop(saved over £5)spent just over £1 and within twenty minutes was eating the following...

Strawberry Yogurt, Grilled Chicken, Crinkle Cut Oven Chips and Green Beans, Sliced Carrot and Peas. Slice of Bread. I have had more chips this week than I have in many months. But I am not worried as I don't necessarily go along with the hype about them being bad for you. Especially with everything else that I eat in the way of fruit, vegetables and cereal.

I have put on approx 6lbs in weight but I'm ok and they say in Winter that's to be expected and is needed to stay warm. Plenty of time to lose it when Spring/Summer arrives.

Strawberry Yogurt. Followed by Flame Grilled Chicken, Crinkle Cut Oven Chips and Frozen Vegetables(Green Beans, Sliced Carrot and Peas)

I was tempted to have some cheese and biscuits but am more than happy with that. Still have some of everything left for another time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think most of us get anxiety attacks from time to time? but I think its a retively new thing to do with the world we live in today with so much uncertainty.I believe that 9/11 was a marker for us slipping into a parallel universe and everything we knew and valued changed and faded away.

31 January 2014 at 10:47  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I think that you may have something there. Anxiety is said by experts to be an automatic response your body instigates when met with certain criteria. They would say it goes back into the Human Races earliest times so is wired into our being.

31 January 2014 at 12:39  

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