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Location: United Kingdom

Perhaps you'll learn more about me as you read my blog. For anyone who translates my blog using the translator facility, don't forget if you wish to read the comments in your own language to click on the title of the post down the left hand side otherwise they will remain in english. Also I assume that the translation is accurate but I don't know, so please allow for errors.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Spotify In Europe Is Free...

OK so quality is 160kps and you have to have an odd advert here and there but in these hard times and with income limited as a music lover I am so happy at this decision. Of course there is an advert/higher quality service that you pay a monthly fee but as many of the radio stations do not play what I like or have the variety/back catalogue this is welcome news...

Spotify Europe

Now I can occasionally link to music that I enjoy and that will give you another strand of my nature and personality. I may add a link at the bottom of every post if it is possible. If you can't access the links think about joining Spotify yourself and finding it locally. I'll admit most of the music I will choose will be easy and dreamy. Or from decades ago.


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