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Wednesday, January 08, 2014

I Have Realised Over Recent Times Where My Political Leanings Are...

But I am not extreme in my views, I will praise/criticise any party even if it is the one I am most aliened to. I try to see all sides but will not blindly follow any political doctorate. Over the years my views will have changed depending on life experiences and the media.

I will always try and be respectful of other opinions and views and hope that I never sink to personal attacks of a derogatory nature. That I can always think of a reason why I have come to a conclusion on a particular policy.

Therefore, having filled in a survey online it is kind of interesting that the results have come out as evenly split between four parties, two being mainstream and two that could be in the future.

If accurate it is going to make voting in the next election in 2015 even more difficult/interesting for me when making a decision.

Here is a link as to how my views on policies affect which party I would vote for...then again it is only based on four issues(it could be different if I had chosen from all that was available)should you wish to, you can take part and see how your results come out.


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