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Saturday, January 18, 2014

A Can I Be Bothered Day?

I could hop on a bus and go...where? I suspect it would mainly be spending money unnecessarily or looking for the sake of it. Its not very warm and looks quite dull out there so I think I shall stay put. And may very well do so tomorrow.

At best I'll stay close to home and perhaps go no further than the local bakers for some sausage rolls(for tomorrow night)

Again if I take items and they are not eaten(I can use them myself so they are not wasted)So I have(or will have)
  • Small pork pies
  • Sausage rolls
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Cheese twists
  • Cheese
  • Pickled onions
  • Small cakes
The option is always there to change things and do some ham or turkey rolls as a substitute. Its like feeding the five thousand. It doesn't cost that much and when you use quite a lot of what you take its ok.

And I'll bother a little more with what I choose to eat myself today(tomorrow I'll do household chores)I'm back "In the groove" sleeping better and when you are supposed to. I can sense a little bit of the Black Dog hovering around me but its funny I feel happiest, least troubled and safe from late afternoon/early evening and through the night.

I think that I am becoming a jumper fan(is it an age thing?)Or just that they keep you cosy? You know I think that I may have to have a couple of days where I visit charity shops and see what is available. I tend to stick to the few on my town and I am probably missing out on something.

Its a listen to the radio kind of a day. Lets see if I add anything as the day goes on. Don't be surprised if I suddenly decide to go clothes shopping, I've suddenly got the urge.


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