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Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Planning My Main Meal Today...

One item is a little old but well cooked I suspect it will be safe to eat. So the plan is chicken breasts with garlic and herbs. Thinking of adding diced vegetables and potatoes. The water used for cooking the vegetables to be used for the gravy. I shall probably slice the chicken so it can be used in other meals or in sandwiches.

The chicken breasts are already in the slow cooker in a roasting bag and on a timer but I may very well override the timer later as I don't think that they will take too long to be ready.

My weight has settled again. So it looks as though it was a blip. I do like to vary my diet and get the goodness naturally from food. Though I do still like to take some extra vitamins and minerals.

I am enjoying having breakfast again. And adding various items into cereals or porridge be it fruit or seeds, nuts and grains.
Update:Taking it easy have a bit of pain in the old shoulder and leg, so will stay put.


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