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Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Not Where I Should Be...

Instead of being at the Music Club I home. Until the last minute I was going...but I had one of my rare headaches/migraines that I could not shift. Then it was too late to consider going by the time it disappeared. If I went now I'd only see perhaps an hour by the time a taxi got me there.

Its one of those...easy to drift away nights where I can be on here or listening to the radio and I suddenly find I have drifted off and the programme I am listening to has moved on/changed. But tiredness is part of the condition I have so I accept that.

Hopefully, I shall be back on track from tomorrow

I hope its ok, I found the milk I could not find. Totally unused so its back being cooled down. It my bedroom and hidden under an over hanging continental quilt, I did look the first time in that area so how it was missed I have no idea. Being coldish I am keeping my fingers crossed it has not been wasted, it also helps that it is that treated fresh milk.

I had a mug of leek and potato soup.
I was even debating on beans on toast, its been months since I had those. No alcohol today animated smileys angels 6

Update:Ended up with Marmite on toast.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi popper well iv been away from MSE for a while and missed you so thought I'd pop hear how interesting your blogs got . Iv decided to leave MSE again but will regularly look at you blog happy new year x Jem132

7 January 2014 at 23:41  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Its so lovely to hear from you...take care of you.

I promise my blog does and can get more exciting, in general I am positive and upbeat.

Remember until I decide to publish a comment it remains private so it is almost like sending a private message.

Do stay in touch. I hope the New Year is kind to you and yours x

8 January 2014 at 00:09  
Anonymous Andrea said...

You meet all the best people here. Hope you enjoy all the videos that are going up on the Music Club Facebook page. It was a cracking night, faces amongst the artists and audience that we haven't seen in ages.

9 January 2014 at 01:36  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

That's a great sign that clubs offering "Live" music are doing well once again and that many are returning to making their own entertainment.

I cannot beat the video's that you have collected. Thank you for sharing. It seemed wrong not being there. Thank you for introducing me to it.

9 January 2014 at 03:52  

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