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Friday, January 24, 2014

It Will Soon Be Time...

to get ready and leave for the meeting regarding the campaign to save the National Health Service. I will have to leave early not because there isn't a bus close to the time of the meeting but to allow time to walk to the venue and being slower these days(and I think there is an incline)I am allowing forty five minutes.

Coming home buses run hourly at 15 minutes past so again depending on when the meeting ends and the walk I could find myself hanging around in the bus station. At least Durham has one, quite a few towns do not.

Update:It turned into a horrible night weatherwise and within a very short time of starting the journey rain was running in waves down the side of the bus and once alighted from the bus the streets were like a stream. It was really easy to find where the meeting was being held and remarkably quick. In the end there were approx only twelve present. It would appear though based in and serving the Durham area/county it does not officially serve my own part of the county so unless it liaises with other similar organisations with a similar goal it is not served.

Too much bad news to report which is not getting into the media(You can ask why?)or its written/supplied from those bringing in changes in a way that will not alarm the public at large until its too late.

One tidbit is that in the coming year all private companies will be asked to make savings of 4% and that perhaps is welcome...well the twist is that if these companies then say they need equipment of some kind the NHS will pay for the equipment so in a roundabout way they can get the 4% saved back. That's the way I picked up what was said. The other impression would appear to be that many in the trusts and quite high up dislike the changes but are reluctantly going along with them and dare not go against what is their overall boss...the Government.  Surprised? Another worry is that even a change at No.10 may see changes accepted and adopted. Its a fight that is loaded against the public. Any chance at all is down to hope for the future after the next election in 2015 and this year is all but written off.


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