The supermarket chain Tesco's is running a Fri-Sun nationwide campaign once more to raise awareness and donations of collected food for food banks. For what shoppers donate, they will match like for like. As my friend Andrea said tonight(like myself)we'll do our little bit to help others but what an indictment it is that food banks are needed.
You think of the great depression in the US and similar world events or those caused by a natural disasters, wars etc...but many see what's happening in the UK as more due to political ideology.
I help certain charitable causes and would do more. But its impossible to help all the many worthwhile causes that exist.
There was a local event on the previous weekend on Teeside where approx. 100 people were sponsored to sleep outdoors overnight and amongst the causes are again helping those who are struggling to feed themselves/families and scared of becoming homeless. Money raised will help many between now and March when another event is planned. The money is going to seeing that vulnerable will be given some rest from the worries of being alone, staying warm, having access to warm meals.
Its good to see that there are still people who care for others as there are signs of some very hard people who are unfeeling towards others. And this comes from our present Government and down society and there is a nasty streak running through much of the media in the UK but it can be seen in many countries so it is not exclusive.
I have decided whilst I am able to take some things to the next couple of evenings I am out at my local social evenings...I have some oat crunch biscuits for the bingo club on Thursday(that works out enough for approx. 30 members)and 6p per person and if any are left I can bring them back home. It gives something for them to have with a cup of tea in the interval.
And I'm going to take something for Sunday I can do(there are seven of us)a bread bun with some pease pudding and ham, some cherry tomatoes, some cheese and silver skin pickled onions for approx. 50p per person.
But in truth there will be some cheese, tomatoes, onions, ham and buns left over for myself so really that 50p marker will be nearer 25p per person because I will be able to do a further 5-7 portions for myself to use at home. At present the cherry tomatoes are half price, a jar of silver skin onions are only 39p and the cheese I found was an expensive brand, David Stowe on offer at half price. Even the ham was on offer when purchased.
I take turns with the others and I think that is a fair thing to do where possible.
There is a Christmas Fayre event on Saturday mid morning in the same location as we hold the music club which I have kind of said I will attend but I really don't have anything I need or want, after all there is only myself, my fridge/freezer is full as are my cupboards and food store. I don't mean to sound scrooge like but I don't need anything Christmas like either. I won't be putting up decorations or a Christmas Tree even though I still have that side of my nature that remembers the happy times this time of year evokes, I like to see the lights and events that happen but equally it brings home how sad and lonely this time of year can be for many.
I have the concert of Vin Garbutt on Friday so I will be home tonight and Saturday with nothing planned. There is another memorial service at my church on December 8th which I will attend again. It gives me some closure and a chance to remember Mum and Dad. I suspect I will be doing that for quite some time. It gives time to reflect and find some peace.
If I can make it I will attend the Christmas service on Christmas Eve usually held at 11.30pm but with no access to a car and taxi's I will carefully walk there. I am amazed how these days I seem to be out on the streets at such a late hour often on my own. Something until recently I would have avoided doing. If I am lucky someone may offer me a lift home.