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Thursday, November 28, 2013

I Have Managed To Sleep...

most of the night away so more back into the usual cycle we are supposed to follow.

But sleep is something that I am not deprived of*I-) sleepyunless I am unable to get comfortable or I know certain movements are going to hurt but I know that I have move and am unable to avoid doing so.

I have had two portions of my chicken casserole too, both nourishing and warming*^O^||3 eatIt has been a success.

It's funny how I can be pleased by small inexpensive purchases, I decided to buy some cocktail sticks(something that I rarely buy)for the eating of the silver skin onions/diced cheese on Sunday(rather than use fingers)when taking them from the container. After all by the time we arrive our hands are probably quite unclean. I knew I could find 200 cocktail sticks for 39p but in Home Bargains yesterday for an extra 20p I found a container with 500.

All I have to buy today and I may go out early again(like in the next hour or so)for some garlic, pease pudding and my computer magazine.

Then its home and an easy day planned until I trek to the bingo club. It would be lovely to have a good win but unless its the snowball or final flyer we're only talking an average of £3-£4 for a line and £7-£8 a house and most who attend end up out of pocket or break even after purchasing their books. I think I have managed to £6 in three months, its more of a social thing.

I said that I plan to do nothing much but I may move some of the crates around in my food store so I can access more of my biscuits and cakes and can have something when I have a tea or coffee(and dig out my supply of coffee and teabags)and put items that I use less in crates further down.


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