Where I Was Earlier Today...
Inside Durham Town Hall(my first time ever in the building)and listening to enlightening, erudite speeches from the following panel.
It was a cross party selection of speakers(the five holding the banner)with Joanna Adams, Rehana Azam who is involved in the NHS and active in the GMB Union, Natelie Bennett the leader of the Green Party in England and Wales, Debbie Abrahams Labour MP and PPS to the Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham and Dr Jacky Davis a consultant radiologist in north London, co-chair of the NHS Consultants' Association, and an executive member of the National Health Action party.

So much is not being reported in the media about what is going on and what will happen if certain amendments are passed in Parliament. As Dr Jacky Davis said "Much of the plans of this present coalition are being rushed through because its unlikely they will win the election in 2015"
Debbie Abrahams said when her party is voted in, just like the Labour party have promised to repeal the Bedroom Tax within days of being elected, many of these changes to the NHS will be where possible.
Joanna Adams spoke from the heart with a personal example of how the NHS had supported her sister when diagnosed with lung cancer but how other aspects of the coalitions tightening of the screws and no doubt this goes back to the so called health and care act which is disliked by many(except the coalition)takes away support at the most difficult times and actually increases stress when its least needed. A few of us have stories of our own.
Rehana Azam who stepped in at short notice told of the fight to save an A&E department in Lewisham which talked of in the media and was successful but we know that they will go on with their plans and if the closure is unsuccessful, they go looking for another victim. So we have fight even harder.
All speakers mentioned an amendment that the Government is trying to get through Parliament which if passed would mean they can get their own way virtually every time.
Joanna Adams spoke from the heart with a personal example of how the NHS had supported her sister when diagnosed with lung cancer but how other aspects of the coalitions tightening of the screws and no doubt this goes back to the so called health and care act which is disliked by many(except the coalition)takes away support at the most difficult times and actually increases stress when its least needed. A few of us have stories of our own.
Rehana Azam who stepped in at short notice told of the fight to save an A&E department in Lewisham which talked of in the media and was successful but we know that they will go on with their plans and if the closure is unsuccessful, they go looking for another victim. So we have fight even harder.
All speakers mentioned an amendment that the Government is trying to get through Parliament which if passed would mean they can get their own way virtually every time.
Some of the pressure on the NHS is coming from Europe as a certain percentage of service have to be offered to tender even though many of its services are run more efficiently. It also seems that you can ask for information and openness from the NHS that is in public ownership but the companies that are awarded work within the NHS are allowed privacy and secrecy. I assume the excuse would be on the excuse od their commercial interests being compromised.
There was a lot to take in.
There was a lot to take in.
For such a meeting the turnout was quite encouraging(I would guess there were approx. 100 present) I do hope the numbers continue to rise as events increase and publicity gets out there.
No doubt it is a topic I shall return to...it is too important not to. Again, you know it is when an senior physician with many years in the system is fighting for the NHS's survival and says we are going down the route of private medical insurance as they have in the US.
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