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Sunday, November 10, 2013

I Slept Through...

the Remembrance Day service and stayed indoors, my last molar tooth has broken and I have toothache but that will eventually leave. I will have to have dentures and its going to have to be done sooner rather than later and won't be something to look forward to. But needs must.

The painkillers may help I have avoided them for quite a long time and managed over night so hopefully they'll help for the rest of the day.

The sun is shining and it looks quite pleasant but I know that its cold.  I still hope to get out this evening and hope that none of my planned events in the coming few weeks have to be called off because of the tooth ache. We'll see. Fortunately, from past experience it has usually come right in the end.

I will stick to reasonably soft food for the next day or so...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello there,
Good to see you keeping warm.
Don't forget about using the heating as well, you're in credit remember! :0) You won't get hypothermia if you remember to switch that on for a few hours.

Hope you can get that tooth sorted sooner rather than later - you don't want to risk an infection.

Antiseptic mouthwash - the good stuff that works - is £1.49 a bottle in Savers at the moment.
Same stuff as Corsodyl, but cheaper as you aren't paying for the brand name. That will help to keep things clean.

Hope you're in less pain today. Take care.

11 November 2013 at 13:11  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

What a good idea(regarding the mouthwash)sometimes its good to state the obvious.

Its settled down thankfully and I have taken very few painkillers and not needed the Orajel I purchased but I'll keep it...just in case. I could've saved £3.

Ditto regarding what you say about the heating too, thank you.

11 November 2013 at 15:02  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch, toothache is not good! Please take care you don't get an infection there, and I also reccommend Corsodyl or its equivilant....I had my wisdom tooth out a while back and it worked wonders.

Glad to see you're doing okay without the need to go on that thread that caused you so much grief - you can do without that sort of stress.

Btw, I'm the person who wished you well a couple of weeks ago in a post :) - I will sign myself N from now on, so you;ll know it's me. :)

Best wishes!


12 November 2013 at 21:48  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

N thanks to you too

You can keep an eye on me and see how things go by checking by here and soon I'll put up comments that are left.

I do feel good and think I am quite resourceful and resilient.

I will come through this and I will widen the blog's contents again. As I used to be it about food, travels, daily chores and my views on a range of topics. I am always respectful of views that differ to my own.

I'll be a bit more busy from Friday and will put some images on the blog.

Take Care
Gildy x

13 November 2013 at 00:17  

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