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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Yesterday Was A Good Day...

In that I was able to think about the time I was living in and not dwell too much about the past nor look too far into the future which can be easily done if in your own company for hours. I did not feel the urge/need to go out.

I always used to be able to occupy my mind and not become bored so perhaps its another step in the right direction.

Today in approx. two hours I will be getting up. Then get ready to travel to Durham and show my support for a demonstration to support our National Health Service. I am fortunate in that the bus ride is quite short, there are seats in the location which allow me to rest and they take me to where I need to be.

And I can rest when I come home again. But I have goal, an objective to the day.

Whilst there fresh veg and fruit is reasonably priced so will get some spring onions, strawberries and pop into the supermarket for some Marmite(or shop version)and make something nice when I come home for my dinner/supper.

I could take something with me but I don't plan to stay the whole day and I have had something earlier in the morning overnight so I am not starving...


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