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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

If It Wasn't For The Distance...

and a lack of access to a car, I was amazed today how many good retailers were in such a compact centre in Hartlepool.

(Stores I am about to mention are mainly in the UK)

The day started with me preparing a quick meal in the slow cooker and then calling into Aldi's because it is so close to the pick up for the coach for and I have all my fresh veg and bread for around £3 and sorted. So I did not have to buy any in Hartlepool, walk around with it and come straight home afterwards. I saved a couple of quid by doing so as they cost more in the shopping centre's market. There is an area which like a market and the rest has national retailers.

I could have spent nothing but I gave in as others had a meal in a restaurant so I spent £5.50 but it was nice not having to prepare and cook a meal for once. I had some lovely fish and chips, mushy peas and a pot of tea(which gave two cups)I avoided having it with a side salad(that would have added another £2.30)and I did not have any bread and butter. It was a decent serving and was not greasy.

There was a Home Bargains in the centre and though it is not a retailer like Pound World/Pound land/99p stores(who were also in the centre)it was the largest branch I have ever seen, the nearest to where I live is small, the choice of both popular branded items and brands unknown were well priced and of good quality. I could have done with longer to look around HB and I did not manage to go into all of the above discount stores.

Then again that meant I spent very little. I came home with two packets of cereal from Home Bargains who have a fair amount of items at £1 or less but items that cost more are still well priced.

Both cost £1.39 and granola based, one has pomegranate and blueberry, the other has cranberry, raspberry, strawberry and chokeberry. They were manufactured in Poland. I've never had chokeberry before.

I still have the casserole on low heat so can grab some later.

Still feeling quite calm and positive so I have hit a good patch at present. Just relaxing in my bedroom, reasonably warm in bed, listening to the radio.

I would like to go back to Hartlepool again but next time go to the coast to see the sea again, possibly the headland and the Marina area which will be all new to me. And not shop. I wish the retail centre was nearer, it beats many of the places I go to on ease of access, choice and value.

We were blessed with mild, warm sunny weather, in some ways it was a pity to be indoors.


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