Perhaps Its Just Me...
I don't know what I was expecting with the Lumiere in Durham City but if I'm honest I managed to see approx fifteen of the displays out of the twenty seven. I had to struggle to get around what I did see because of how it was spread across the city and some of the sites were out of the way but once you realised you were committed and when you reached them, for me they were a disappointment.
I won't be doing it again(Never say never)Or I'll stay within the main city boundary. If I had not rested along the way I might've been ok and caught that bus. Some displays were spread out and once you were committed to a route you had to go. You were not always allowed to return from where you had come from. So I missed some I would like to have seen. Some buses to get you to the more far flung locations would have made a difference.
To crown everything off...the bus company let a few of us down who turned up for the usual bus that leaves at 10.30pm because they have changed the times(again)and moved it to 10.15pm and the last one at 11.08pm terminates approx 7 miles from my home. So now you have to leave even earlier than before. This is second or third time in a year the bus service has been pulled back to an earlier time.
That 15 minutes really can make such a difference and may in the future if I want to see an event like a show. So I had no option but to spring for a taxi and I am £35 out of pocket for doing so. I'll make it back up somehow. I am fortunate that I could pay for a taxi this time. What choice did I have? Find a hotel or hang around the bus station for eight hours. Not even sure once all the buses have stopped running if that's allowed.
The annoying thing is had I known of the change I could've taken an earlier bus home or been there for 10.15pm. I only missed it by five minutes as I arrived at the bus station at 10.20pm. I was in a shop next door buying a container of peas pudding unaware that my bus was leaving. That is the most expensive peas pudding I have ever purchased when you realise it meant taking a taxi home.
As my friend Jacky said on Twitter I might have been/will be better off in future using the bus to where it terminates and using a taxi from there. Half the journey and cost.
And they say use public transport and leave your car at home(if you have one)
I'm not happy with the images I managed to take at the lumiere but will try and salvage something to post on my blog, it could be a problem with the camera I have, some displays were too dim, some were too bright.
I want to be positive and in hindsight some of the event was an experience and my images may have some asking why I am so down on the event.

Lights using plastic carrier bags.

Telephone box aquarium in Durham Market Place.

Illuminated watering Cans on a roundabout near Durham's Bus Station.

Moving hologram(with sound)of an elephant.

Stick men run, jump, climb and dance on the exterior of a building.
These are amazing, Gildy, don't be hard on yourself. I love the telephone box (especially as I am a Dr Who fan!)
Taking photos in the dark can be tricky - your camera may have a special program built into it for that - but there's nothing like lots of practice, to get better at taking illuminations. :)
N x
Thanks N x
As the time passes by I feel more favourable towards the event.
Tonight I also was told by the taxi that brings me home from the club on my town, he would have brought me home for £18. Half the price. You learn.
In hindsight I now remember I once was taken to the theatre in Durham for that price Doh!
I wish I had seen some of the images that I missed. I have to realise that when I go somewhere like this I have to rest and that way have more energy stored.
That if it takes others 10 mins to walk, it will take me 20+mins and if there are any seats along the route...keep having a break.
I could have copied images/video's directly into my blog rather than using links but I don't want to take credit away from others.
If time had allowed or I could have made another trip some of the remaining displays were probably within my reach.
My blog is not behaving itself so the images have not been posted as neatly as usual.
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