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Friday, November 22, 2013

Whilst I Don't Want To Put Lots Of Weight On...

During the less busy time of the year and when its usually most cold, it has been said extra body weight can be good for you to stay warm.

So I am once again, going to introduce certain foods back into my diet and that includes more warming meals such as stews/casseroles(mainly comfort food)and put cereal/porridge/fruit into my daily menu. And sometimes when I want a hot drink, I may go for a bowl/mug of soup.

If I able to organise the contents of my fridge/freezer better I will do some batch cooking or try and have some meals that can be home made and microwaved/heated up, even cutting back on preparation time.

There are so many reports on what foods are good for you and the latest media frenzy and the BBC even lead with this one on both their World Service and domestic radio services(I would guess it was also featured on TV too)

So what the latest fad or genuine study? That eating nuts may help people to live longer and benefit health in general.

I have some nut and seed mixes so may add more into the diet too without going crazy and I am more likely to chop them finely rather than eat them whole.


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