What A Night To Go To The Theatre...
Update:Arrived at the theatre bedraggled. I was like a drowned rat before I caught the bus but it was a great night, a benefit night for Graham Walker of the Grumbleweeds who passed away earlier in the year. The show over ran. So this time I accepted that a taxi home would be needed.
The show ended with the following image on stage on a chair with a spotlight on it.

The older performers once again showed themselves to be more approachable than the newer acts and still know how to entertain.
Sadly Brian Conley did not come into the bar to meet the few who stayed behind and it was not a massive crowd to deal, most had left the theatre earlier but as I had missed the bus home I decided to go into the bar and meet those who decided to come in after the show.
Bernie Clifton appeared and disappeared before anyone had a chance to speak to him. I appreciate they have a long way to travel, some are getting on in years too. The weather is really bad and they may have other appointments too. Have seen how bad it is since coming home and looking at the internet.

Robin Colvill was approachable(the other Grumbleweed survivor)he was good especially as he is now working alone and he looked well too. I never saw The Grumbleweeds on stage but did see most of what they did on TV and listened to all of their radio shows.

What can I say about The Krankies. Janette had time to talk with me. I hold them with great affection and appreciate the hard work their act takes and its very physical. Also still topical with their material. I have had a photo taken with Robin and one with The Krankies but modesty prevents me putting them on line(and I still keep some privacy as to who I am)
These people have a long pedigree in the world of variety/show business and have nothing to prove. They able do cabaret, pantomime, television, cruises, radio and more. Television rarely gives air time to many of the greats and they are having to go back to playing theatres where you really see how they have crafted their skills.
Had I met Bernie I would have mentioned the radio documentary he did a few weeks ago about the tenor Richard Tauber.
Brian Conley has not forgotten how to entertain and put on a first rate comedy routine, he also included a selection of songs from the musical he appeared in of Al Jolson's life story. The Krankies as polished as ever. Bernie too and a Zooka and Suzie Q a magic act appeared and they squeezed a lot of illusions into their time on stage and were very tight with their routine. They appear around the world and amongst their regular shows appear in the Hilton Hotels.
One act that was billed to appear did not, for whatever the reason. I am sure that Bobby Crush was there too(in the bar after the show)but I did not approach in case I was wrong as he had not been given a mention but there were times where a piano was played off stage so it is possible.
It was cold and damp and the town deserted as I came out of the theatre and it kind of reflected the night of how for a few hours we forget our troubles and then in the cold light of day...but at least it had stopped raining(but it had started again as I reached home)
I have to be up in approx. 5 hours for my appointment at the hospital. So lets hope that goes reasonably ok. Its an early start, the appointment is for around 9.30am but the patient transport service can come as early as 7.30am so I have to be ready.
Interview from 2010 Robin is right about variety(Brian Conley said something similar on stage)
Interview from 2013 Interview after Graham's passing.
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