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Monday, November 25, 2013

Any Plans For Monday?

Not really. But my friend Ann on Twitter has given me the push to make a casserole/stew in the slow cooker again so I have a nice warm meal for the evening. Possibly, I can freeze or keep some for another day in the fridge. I have a lot of meat* and vegetables to use up.

Also, if it is not too late I could do with following Ann has been planting up some Winter Pansies for colour in the garden. I could do with something similar. The shop that I buy my bedding plants from has closed. It was also a green grocer. This could be a problem now that I will have to go off town.

The best greengrocer is now approx. 3 miles away. For flowers...I don't know. Probably 7 miles away and a nationwide retailer like B&Q.

I've had a quick tidy already and a kind of soup that is a kind of paste in a mug and you know what? Even compared to a mug of tea or coffee I have a lovely warm feeling inside** so just maybe I will have these more often, its also getting some nourishment into me. I have a cupboard of soups to get through and now find its really easy to make my own...lets be honest with a variety of vegetables, some meat, stock and slow cooker, its much the same. And it makes more than a can and is cheaper too.

*Mainly chicken. **Still warm 90 minutes later.


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