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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Good Morning...

Its early but I often find myself an early bird these days. Who would have thought I would be usually found listening to a farming programme and a news most days.

Can't believe that I am thinking of popping down to the supermarket before 6am and doing my small shop and then getting home for the rest of the day. I cannot think of a reason to travel but I am debating whether I should go to the coast in the next week or two and see it during the colder winter season rather than in the Summer time.

Also whether I should pay a final visit to one of the local farmer's markets for this year(possibly Stockton or Saltburn)even both. The latter would get me to the coast. Or perhaps trat myself by popping into Newcastle and the big store Fenwicks and bring something back for Christmas for myself or to donate to a Christmas Hamper. We'll see. I haven't pestered my friend Liz who runs the Gingerbreadmam but I know that there are some lovely items in the Food Hall at Fenwicks. If you are in the area and are looking for that special something...take a look.

I let myself down yesterday and did not get my slow cooker casserole away but today I will...I have some chunky chicken(already cooked)just have to add some vegetables(stock or gravy)herbs, garlic and let it do it stuff. You can take your pick whether its a soup, casserole or stew. One day I'll have ago at dumplings again.

If I make it later this morning I have something warm and comforting for early evening before I go to the Music Club.

My shopping trip is fairly mundane...I want some minerals/vitamins that I have run out of, some powdered milk, I use that much more than fresh milk though lately I have purchased some milk that lasts at least 7 days after opening(often longer)its a little more expensive but as it lasts me longer because I use less than some people as I am not throwing it out and wasting it. Its not UHT milk but I do have some of that too...All eventualities are covered. Its rare that I ever run out of it.

I don't use a lot of sugar and have kind of become used to a sweetener in my coffee, so all I want after that is some cheese, bread(I will make some of my own later this week)I know I can still do better, bread buns, spring onions and that's about it.

I have heard that for Christmas I have access to most meats you can think of where I have been invited to(except Turkey)and that I could even be given some food to bring home with me for another day.

When I come back this morning from my shop, I am going to make the effort and have some porridge and add a variety of fruit(sticking to berries...strawberries, blackberries and blueberries)It may even be a double portion and on such a cold day a good way to start the day. I looked after myself after Mum passed away and I ate lots of fruit/cereal/porridge and I think it is time I did so again. Also time to dig out the fruit bowl and see it always is there when I need something to snack on.


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