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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Anything Happen Today?

More of the same it would appear across the world. I've slept through most of it. Will get ready for the music club soon. Take my meds.

I hear the weather is about to change and become much colder. I did notice frost on cars and roofs when I looked out early this morning so it doesn't surprise me.

Sometimes a dream makes some sense(I forget some of what I did dream)but for some reason I was travelling daily on a train from London to home. I found a key on a path and wanted to return it to its owner and had to use one of those intercom systems you see outside apartments.  The only person who I could talk with lived in another of the flats in the building but he could not decide if I was genuine and wanted to think about it.

Even though I said "Why not see if the person is in and has lost their key" The key was number 17. I also had an inquisitive person close by asking me what I was doing who I refused to tell but said "If you stay there you'll hear when I talk to those concerned on the intercom"

Not an exciting dream and some other details lost but where did it come from? A reasonably normal one too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This dream sounds like it is all about your communication with others and being frustrated in your attempt to explain things to people who read things the wrong way and don't listen or give you the benefit of doubt (intercom) and also your housing worries with those people interfering (the key, the inquisitive person)

It's good that in the dream you had the key (meaning, you hold the power) and also that you refused to tell the inquisitive person what you were doing (again, you were in control)

So don't worry about it, it's a good dream where you were in charge. :) It's just all the stuff of the past few weeks of happening being dealt with in your subconscious, re the housing, and the other matter. ;)

I do quite a bit of dream interpretation for friends, plus I am a Pisces, so am a bit more attuned to stuff like that than other signs. :) Which sign are you?

N x

19 November 2013 at 21:54  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks N,
There could be something in dream interpretations...I always used to have interest in such things that are perhaps seen as being in tune with something that is ephemeral(sp?)

I'm Gemini and late May...I was premature and should have been under the next sign of Cancer.

19 November 2013 at 23:52  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I do have two reoccurring dreams/themes that come back and seem a little like nightmares....

One I am holiday in a favourite resort that I holidayed with my parents and it always ends with me unhappy that we have reached the final day without getting to see the beach/sea or go and see one of those theatre shows that used to run for the Summer season.

The other involves a dearly loved pet rabbit. I'm busy doing something and suddenly realise that I have forgotten to feed her for days. Which I never did...

20 November 2013 at 00:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope the nastiness of a few weeks a go (in another place) is not playing on your subconcious mind, for their part it seems everyone has stuck their heads in the sand and refuse to acknowledge how horrible some people were being.


20 November 2013 at 15:30  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

One never knows how the mind works P, I think I am doing ok but perhaps things do come out as you suggest when one is in another "State of mind"

Someone probably could find a connection. Just as those who go into therapy find long forgotten things are affecting them years later.


20 November 2013 at 15:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with what P said about people sticking their heads in the sand etc. Other people on there have been far more controversial (for want of a better word) but because they belong to the in-crowd on there as it were, they have not been given any grief and allowances have been made for them, and they have been given a lot of support.

I really think that because it is such a female-dominated place, they are more likely to "forgive" other females than they are you.

But you are far far better off without that other place - I posted twice on that particular thread, I think, and hoped to find good ideas shared for money saving stuff, but that thread in particular has fast become just a litany of woes recounted by everyone, and it is a depressing place to be. You certainly don't need all that, Gildy. :) Visit more positive places online. :)


21 November 2013 at 19:32  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

It was easy to fall into the thread but I'm happy with my progress and I have more going for me.

I have yet to decide whether to dip my toes into other areas less controversial over there.

Areas that are more OS orientated and general in the topics that are discussed.

21 November 2013 at 21:55  

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