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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Not Going Out Today...

I haven't when it was light so why start now when its cold and dark? I have food, will find entertainment on the TV, radio and internet and gear myself up to the next week or so as evenings will be a bit busier.

I have seen a test image of one of the light pieces at Durham City's Lumiere on Twitter and its situated as you come out of the bus station. So that will be an easy one to view and probably the first one that I shall see. I hope the rest are easy to find and I can find the shortcuts with mobility being impaired.

Its been quite mild today and I have avoided the need to put extra warm clothing on but its starting to get a little cold now so I have given in and put on a thermal vest. It is amazing what a difference that can make. I will save the heating for later which will then keep the bedroom warm through the night. As one of my friends says as I am in use it.

It was another great night at the music club on the town, I popped into the supermarket on the way home for a couple of basics(Kitchen towels and teabags)the teabags taste fine to me(and yes, I am able to make at least three decent mugs of tea from one bag)and a box of 80 cost the princely sum of 27p. How old school is that?

Later, I will consider setting away a lamb casserole in the slow cooker. And again there should be enough to make a few meals...I think I spent around £4 in total but the expense will be reduced over a number of days when I spread that and save some in the fridge or freezer, I'm getting better at food management.

I am able to cheat too during the Winter whilst I am able to stay here because there is a concrete passage and out house connected to the house and the temperature is usually so low I can put foods/drinks that need to be kept cold out there if space is getting tight. I am still tempted with the thought of getting another freezer. But that's for the future.

Update:I've eaten ok, I've had a banana, some chicken, bacon and sweetcorn sandwiches to which I added some tomato, cucumber, spring onion, spinach and lettuce. I've had some minced beef bitesize pasties too.

So far I have not needed the heating on as yet. The room is only 2 degrees out from what officially it is supposed to be according to the experts. If I can stay put I want to put curtains up at the front door again and that will improve the warmth in the hall.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go for the lamb casserole, Gildy! I made veggie chilli in mine yesterday, portioned it up and froze them. Nice to have homemade healthy "ready meals"!

Keep warm and eat warm!

N x

14 November 2013 at 00:28  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks N,
Lets be honest what I had tonight was not warming...

I have become aware just how warming a casserole is. And once cooked how quickly it can be reheated safely.

I'll get onto it tomorrow afternoon and have some when I come in from the bingo around 8.30pm and it can act like dinner/supper combined.

Chilli, curries...hmmm perhaps that's something else to think about.

If I ever get my food store slimmed down now that I try to buy at Farmers Markets, I may take a trip to the Asian Market in Newcastle and bring some items home to jazz up my meals. I'll probably have to start with something mildly spicy/hot :-)

14 November 2013 at 01:39  

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