I Did Not Do Anything Really Different Today...
And yet I felt positive and good. Yesterday, I could not shake off feeling down.
All I have done differently was pay some bills(purchased the only magazine I treat myself to)which helps with my understanding of my computer.
I've eaten a really good salad(including found some quiche that was reduced)I've even found some sirloin steak(reduced)
I have a lovely lamb casserole in the slow cooker(with broccoli, cauliflower, leeks, onions, carrot, swede, celery)and gravy. Thinking of having that to set me up for the trip to the Lumiere tomorrow.
I won a line on the bingo tonight(£3)Big Money! I took some gingerbread to share with those at the bingo club which I dipped in chocolate. That win paid for the gingerbread and gave something towards the following.
Its someones birthday so I have found some chocolate on offer and purchased a Birthday card to give this Sunday.
I purchased some Christmas cards(as I have made new friends since Mum passed away)so I do have some to give Christmas cards once again.
Its quite mild tonight(in my bedroom)so no heating needed. Listening to the radio(bit of comedy)and earlier on a programme featuring Beatles sessions at the BBC in the 1960's.
I have to be up and out a bit earlier in the morning as its the day for my bloods to be taken at the Dr's surgery. I hope all is well...I won't know until next Thursday.
Been going through some of the images I've been taking over the year on my travels so I may start posting some of them on my blog over the Winter months....I hope to get some decent images and video's in Durham tomorrow night.
All I have done differently was pay some bills(purchased the only magazine I treat myself to)which helps with my understanding of my computer.
I've eaten a really good salad(including found some quiche that was reduced)I've even found some sirloin steak(reduced)
I have a lovely lamb casserole in the slow cooker(with broccoli, cauliflower, leeks, onions, carrot, swede, celery)and gravy. Thinking of having that to set me up for the trip to the Lumiere tomorrow.
I won a line on the bingo tonight(£3)Big Money! I took some gingerbread to share with those at the bingo club which I dipped in chocolate. That win paid for the gingerbread and gave something towards the following.
Its someones birthday so I have found some chocolate on offer and purchased a Birthday card to give this Sunday.
I purchased some Christmas cards(as I have made new friends since Mum passed away)so I do have some to give Christmas cards once again.
Its quite mild tonight(in my bedroom)so no heating needed. Listening to the radio(bit of comedy)and earlier on a programme featuring Beatles sessions at the BBC in the 1960's.
I have to be up and out a bit earlier in the morning as its the day for my bloods to be taken at the Dr's surgery. I hope all is well...I won't know until next Thursday.
Been going through some of the images I've been taking over the year on my travels so I may start posting some of them on my blog over the Winter months....I hope to get some decent images and video's in Durham tomorrow night.
Beatles! :)
I met Paul McCartney in 1977, as a 14 year old Beatles fan at the time, it was a wonderful experience. :)
I live just North of London, so used to *ahem* skip school as a teenager, take the train into Euston and go and hang around outside Abbey Road Studios to see who was recording. Paul used to live very nearby.
Very glad to hear you have Christmas cards to send this Christmas, Gildy. :)
N x
What a wonderful memory. I'm sure these experiences enhance our lives.
I'm back from the Lumiere...to be honest, wiser, disappointed and very much lighter in the pocket.
Blog entry about to be written.
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