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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Perhaps That's The Answer...

Close down the house somewhat and during Winter live in the smaller bedroom at the back of the house. I did so last night and with the door closed, curtains behind the radiator, I was considerably warmer. Also the hour or so the heating was on did take the chill off the room too.

Today, little is planned but I may go out around teatime so I can take some images/videos of the new Christmas lights/Christmas tree being put up in the town centre ready for the grand switch on this weekend* Also finally all the building work has been removed, the new pavement laid and new seats are in place too.

I'll buy a new hot water bottle, the one I have has failed and is leaking, pay another monthly rent/water rate instalment.

Then see if there is any reduced bread on the way to the music club after 7pm.

It appears there are extra buses being put on during the Lumiere Festival in Durham in the evening so that's welcome but little if any publicity about the event/bus services unless you can access the internet.

*Images/video's taken, I think that more illuminations may be added by the time the "Switch on" happens this weekend. The lights are LED and actually twinkle. There are still some shop units that have been vacated or need occupying. Being a single male quite a few shops are not used by myself and what I do are mainly food based.

 My town's retail area has been refurbished afrer 53 years coinciding with Christmas.

 A kind of waterfall/firework effect(New Xmas lights)being installed around the town's retail area.
Another of my town's Xmas illuminations as the area is refurbished in its 53rd year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I used to follow the last forum,you frequented as Popperwell, but did't join. I just want tos ay that I always found you to be courteous and helpful and feel that you have been treated very badly. I enjoyed reading your posts about Durhams as I was born ther and lived at Whitely Bay . Take good care.

12 November 2013 at 18:57  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Louise thank you for your support and kindness. x

I'm getting there and soon I'll be able to put up more about my travels and feature areas that are familiar to you once more ;o)

I suppose there is less to do at this time of year, yet even showing things are ok with the daily chores is a positive.

Do check back and should you want to make a comment/suggestions I will put the comments up.

13 November 2013 at 00:10  

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