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Friday, November 08, 2013

Some Days You Are Just Filling In Time...

You are...but you don't feel as though you are. Today is one of those. If I stay in not much is happening, if I go out its the same old shops, fills an hour and I spend money that I don't need to or window shop looking at items I have seen many times.

Its amazing how quickly the time is passing though, it will soon be night time, its already getting dark.

I'm not complaining or feeling sorry for myself though. It is the same for many.

Update:What the heck, I went out and parted with a little cash and found some nice reduced sandwiches so I had some with a portion of chips. And there are some remaining for tomorrow. I may be attending a campaign to promote freezing the energy bills which I did not know is happening in various places across the UK.

I have been looking at the various Christmas Stollen on sale and some are too expensive especially for one living alone but a well known discount supermarket has a variety of different types and I remember last year the least expensive one was quite acceptable so I purchased one approx 750g for £1.99.

The same one in bite size pieces costs the same price but is half the amount. I can cut it into slices or squares myself and have more for the money. I have even been wondering if there was a possibility of making my own but I think this is the easiest option.

So I have given in a little for Christmas and have a box of chocolate biscuits and Marzipan Stollen for the festive season.

All is quiet again but there has been an hour of fireworks going off again between 6.30pm-7.30pm that will probably be the last of them now.

I'm under a nice warm duvet with extra fleeces listening to the radio and looking around the internet. Getting ready to attend the Remembrance Service on Sunday.


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