unknowingly or given in such a way that it is sort of correct but done so that they can make more money from you because you are naive or at your most vulnerable.
You may remember that I was told that probate can take 6-9 months(to some extent that could work in my favour)as unless my situation changes due to what our Government plans regarding changes to welfare, I would still be entitled to all that I have been until I come into Mum's savings, then things will change.
Either for a short time or perhaps forever.
However, I was informed that I would have to attend an office possibly as far away as Newcastle Upon Tyne(that would mean having to travel quite a distance)to swear an oath that what I have put on the claim for probate is true to the best of my knowledge.
Therefore costing money to travel to/from the town and then probably more cost to reach the venue.
Another fee was mentioned that I may have to pay. Suggesting that I could be more out of pocket than if I let them deal with the claim and all legal matters.
Remember they are talking of charging approx £3,000 to handle Mum's estate.
The forms arrived today to allow me to..."Do it myself!"
What jumped out at me immediately is that the first form says that I have up to approx 24 months to submit the forms so I don't have to act immediately(and I could probably claim that I was waiting to see if anyone wanted to make a claim on her money)saying that they were owed something. Which is what that legal representative was doing when they said it could take 6-9 months to have everything go through even if they do it on my behalf.
The other thing that jumped out from a quick read of the forms is that apart from a fee of £2(or was it £6) per additional copy of documents)once its all been sorted, the only other fees to do it without a solicitor seems to be £105 to the Probate Office paid by cheque or Postal Order.
I can swear an oath at a local solicitors office of my choice(thus avoiding going to)Newcastle or somewhere else...and that will cost £5.
If I have read all that correctly I will pay no more than approx £130-£200. Even if I still lose out because I have to pay full rent, utility bills, food and community charge, I would still rather have an extra £3,000 of Mum's money than handing it over to a solicitor.
I would say that wouldn't I but for the small amount Mum had, I think I should be allowed to keep it for emergencies and to make my life more comfortable so that if I need to buy things I am not struggling to find the cash or go cap in hand to our Government for help.
It is unlikely that a miracle will happen and my health will improve but the criteria you have to meet is to become more difficult to meet, and reapplying does not Guarantee the help you receive now, will still be given to you. And that's what worries many the most.
I'm sorry if I start to have another rant again(and I sound like a broken record)this is more born out of worry and uncertainty about about the future. The worry that if things change I may be left without a roof over my head.
Of course all may be well but none of us know...so if you are tired of me saying the following...skip the rest of this post...I give you my permission :-) I have linked to some articles that offer more detailed information and to be fair and avoid my biasness, some do put the opposite view.
Instead of making people spend what may be the one time they have some extra money to help improve their lives and they may never ever get the chance to accumulate again is it fair to make them spend it and have it go down to a point where you have hardly anything behind you to act as a safety net and you are "Poor" and wholly dependent on the state.
Of course I can see that you need to put a threshold in place where you have to try and support yourself but £16,000 is far too low in this day and age whether you work, are retired or ill/disabled.
In many cases this is money that is unlikely to be added to and it will stay static or will be spent, not on luxury items(and they ask for receipts and proof of what it is being spent on)they can still see what you are doing with it. That extra money could mean that you can leave your heating on longer or perhaps buy better food to help your health.
Such a windfall is often given to you and often the only way you'll see any extra money. The fact that you have been unable to save yourself shows that you are genuinely struggling and because you have been claiming proves that.
Under the new legislation that is being proposed(and it will be passed, I cannot see how it could not be)on numbers alone)if many find their benefits taken away, such money may be needed to stop a person losing a roof over their head(even temporary)or to provide some income whilst an appeal is made against a decision that can take 6 months or longer. Especially because so many cases now go to appeal.
As I have said earlier
most claimants are genuine and if they had the choice of taking Government money or being able to survive on savings or be fit and healthy so they are not in the situation they find themselves they would.
Few are working the system and no one likes having to go "Cap in hand" and jump through the ever increasing hoops you have to jump through to get it!
We keep hearing that they want to make work pay and that you will be better off financially in work than out of work. How many jobs pay a decent wage? Especially when you take off all the things that people have to pay when working...such as the cost of travelling to and from work, tax, possible things you may have to buy to do your job(many firms make you pay for your uniform/tools etc...)and other costs are incurred that I have not thought of, I am sure...
Many jobs do not pay what you could call a decent wage so it is still topped up by Government help or you still have to apply for help to pay the rent on your home etc...so the Government is still having to offer welfare. Most people are only earning a minimum wage. Employers should be paying what can be called a decent "living" wage but often duck out of their responsibilities.
When working you may break even or could be £5-£10 better off so technically you are financially better off. So they have not broken their promise. That won't take long to swallow up with the way bills keep rising.
You know that you are in troublewhen a
Government minister says that they hope to strip half a million people classed as disabled of their benefits but in particular that it could include people who have lost a limb(perhaps a leg)and what particularly upset many was that this statement included
ex servicemen who were disabled because they fought on behalf of our country(though I think there has been some back peddling on this since it came out in the media).
I am only talking about the benefits I have knowledge of, there is much that I do not know about.