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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Has The UK Changed For The Worst?

I suspect if we took a broad sweep of the last 60+ years we'd say things have improved materialistically for many, we can never say for all. There will be advances in science and medicine. But working long hours, in many cases many of us no reason for having it longer have the time for our loved one's and sometimes we think that we can put that right by giving a gift of some kind instead of our attention.

We may have central heating and electric in all our homes but many of us are unable to afford to use it which defeats the idea of having it.

Of course times were tough and long hours were worked in the past and so its not necessarily a new problem but even I remember as I grew up we were promised a 40 hour or less working week, decent wages, earlier retirement and roughly you'd hopefully have a similar of time after you'd worked to do what you want to do and you could afford your retirement.

How has the country become worse? That's a difficult one, I think its more selfish than it used to be if looked at on a grand scale but when you actually talk to people on a one to one bases you realise that people do care. And many of us have similar concerns, for our loved ones, friends and their health.

Many of those that we do we hear in the media unfortunately are influenced by what they think they are hearing or because the media ignores a lot of the things that are happening and the genuine people who are suffering. Perhaps I am influenced but I suspect that I ask questions and don't take what I am told as gospel.

The other day the Telegraph or it might've been the Mail found an exceptional case where a family was getting a lot of help from the State so they were able to say look what they are being paid and they are not trying to do any work but within the rules of how long you can do voluntary work at least one member was working, the problem is a lack of jobs and one's that pay a living wage but then when a story like this is featured everyone is seen to be the same. And probably a lot of the information is missed, it becomes a sensational story.

It is then picked up by presenters doing phone-ins and it just snowballs and gets out of hand...and opinions are treated as fact. The media deals in big National events but often misses what life is like on a small scale for the individual. When they do those programmes that look back on the year that has just gone it will concentrate on disasters and celebrities.

You might ask why jobs pay such rubbish wages. I keep hearing that the average wage is £26,000 a year, I'm not sure what they are or where they are...I've never seen more than a few any where near that figure in the years I applied for work or looked at the vacancies being advertised.

The problem I can see with the survey this article refers to is that they have tried to tie it to the Queen and she has nothing to do with what society and politicians do, she is The Head Of State...a figure head but really no more than that!

The changes would still have happened even if she had not existed. Would they have been any worse had she not been there as a constant during difficult times, its difficult to say.

The same can probably said of most countries in the west especially and the austerity measures that have been brought in and most feel those who caused the problems are largely untouched, well if you already have more that's understandable, if you are already low down in the pecking order you'll be affected first.

Will I watch? I plan to but you know I may very well return to the radio coverage, I mean unless they are going to wait until dusk and have a massive firework display on Sunday we'll see boats going down the Thames but what are they going to do?

There is a concert on Monday I believe but again I can listen to the music...Really the celebration to commemorate the Queen's landmark boils down to those two events...Are the rest of you watching  it?  Especially if you live in the capital, will you follow it on tv or go to some event? Is it being looked at a bit with uninterest by the people of London a bit like the Olympics? As there seems to be some Royal event most years...

I know around here we've had notes put through the door suggesting there could be a kind of street party or an event in the local leisure centre but there doesn't seem much excitement and I think this survey suggests that few are planning on having an event to commemorate the occasion, the impression is that people will just have a get together with friends or family or go away for a few days and do their own thing! If the weather is good enough.

I keep hearing its a four day holiday and all kind of events are promised but I cannot see that much happening especially when we reach Tuesday and many are back at work by then...

Has The UK Changed For The Worst?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the Thames event will be pretty spectacular, and one to watch, not to listen to. Just reading about what is proposed is exciting. I for one think the Queen and Philip have done a sterling job from a very young age, and if previous special occasions are anything to go by, it will be watched from the banks of the Thames by thousands.........and more on TV.

As a TV viewer, the one thing that stands out on these occasions, the men are there in volume, and are cheering just as loudly as the women.

31 May 2012 at 05:41  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I agree with best part of what you say and it could be quite something from extra information that I have read.

It is a pity and perhaps it verfies what I have said that the media tied up such a survey of how Life in Britain is(mainly critical)making it seem as the Queen had something to do with it!

Though closer inspection seems to show support of the Queen and keeping a monachy is still strong.

I was in London a couple of days before the Marriage of Charles and Diana and remember seeing the preperation for that. That was quite something.

31 May 2012 at 07:23  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in London just after the coronation, and even then the decorations and the atmosphere were still magic.

31 May 2012 at 07:52  
Anonymous VQ said...

I was outside Buckingham Palace on the day the Queen was married and in Whitehall, fifty years later for the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales. There's no doubt about it, we certainly know how to put on a show, particularly for royal occasions.
I wonder how many will turn out for the next coronation, assuming that it will be for Charles. I would be more than happy to skip a generation although I know that isn't likely to happen. I just hope the Queen can go on for another twenty years.

31 May 2012 at 08:24  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

It's nice if we are still able to see something special in a cynical world...It's sometimes very hard. I wish I could remember how my Dad put it.

He used to look at a sky full of stars and nver lost the sense of wonder.

I know he would've been touched by some of the horrible things that have happened since he passed away, all th usual ones you can think of no doubt but I know he'd have been watching this weekend.

We do still manage as you suggest VQ to put a show on...Mum sometimes questioned certain things regarding royalty but when the time came she was a loyal as anyone but more for what the the symbol stands for, your country.

I can understand there is a difference in that you can be proud of your country but perhaps question what the politcians do in the name of you and your country in your name but thankfully as the Queen is not a political figure she remains untarnished by what they do in the name of the Government.

Anon, I am sure that it was magic as you suggest and after the war and again an austere time in our history it was what was needed.

Just as the Festival Of Britain is still remembered.

Anyone manage to get to that?

31 May 2012 at 11:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in hospital having my appendix removed, but my two brothers went, and we have some black and white snaps to prove it. I was sorry to miss it.

31 May 2012 at 12:47  
Anonymous VQ said...

I saw bits of the Festival of Britain. I remember the funfair in Battersea Park and the Skylon but not much else.
It was a different World then and we had only recently come out of a war. I think we appreciated things more in those days - didn't expect so much.

31 May 2012 at 12:51  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Sorry to hear that you missed it Anon,

I think you're right VQ, expectations were lower and we had just come out of the War and most of the 50's promised a lot but were in reality still hard and quite grey.

To some extent history repeats itself and in a way this decade could very well be our repeat of the 50's again...

31 May 2012 at 13:13  

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