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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Thankfully I Don't Suffer Much With...

headaches and migraines but when I get them they really hurt. If I do, it usually affects one of my eyes but this morning even though I had slept well around 5am, I awoke with a really bad headache across the back of my head but remarkably the paracetamols and codeine that I took got rid of it much quicker than I thought it may...

It's a bit selfish but I can quite understand what that person I bumped into when walking to the supermarket the other day meant when he said how he misses his wife and how frightening it is too be ill and to be on your own...

If I have to pay for that emergency phone where you hit a button and they get the emergency services out if you are in trouble or help you if you've had a fall...I'll still get rid of it until I am given it for free again...I have access to the net, the phone and a mobile, if I can't summon help using one of those ways I really am in trouble...

I may also ask a couple of my neighbours if they don't mind me having their numbers to call in an emergency.

I may even give them a key to access my property...if they are willing to help in such a way...

When  I felt ok I managed to eat a lovely big bowl of cereal, fruit and semi skimmed milk...


Anonymous VQ said...

Good neighbours are a godsend when you're alone. I've never called on mine yet but know that I could if I were really desperate.
It's a good idea to keep such phone numbers handy in a prominent place.

29 May 2012 at 19:41  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I don't see them often but like you I think I could call on them for help and this time I think that I will just ask...

29 May 2012 at 19:56  
Anonymous VQ said...

Ooh, I forgot to mention . . . . You remember telling us about Tescos baby shampoo, Gildy?
Well, I had imagined that they were individual sachets but I found out today that they do 500ml of baby shampoo for 9p! Yes, 9p!!! As you said, if it's good enough for babies, it must be fine for us.
Someone, somewhere is making an awful lot of money selling brand named shampoo.

29 May 2012 at 20:13  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I should've made that clear VQ ;-)

It really is a damn good bargain...and its right what you say about many products being sold at a much higher price than they should.

A lot of my recent shopping trips contary to what a certain anon has thought was spending for the sake of it, the prices have been really really low and when you compare ingredients and that traffic lights guide on the front of the product they have been the same or too close to call.

Example Everyday cornflakes 31p, the same Tesco's product in aa different package perhaps £1.50.

The only thing I ever really avoid in their store is if I see that meat has been recovered by mechanical means(not that often)and I'm s till not too keen on beef so sometimes Tesco's insist on use beef casing on many of their sausages or ad it to many of their sweets.

They have made a start on building the new Aldi store...that may offer us more choice and competition for Tesco's but we're talking approx nearly two years before it's built.

29 May 2012 at 20:27  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Its obvious that many items in our shopping basket more than ever are not what we see advertised on tv or hear on radio. Nearly everything in my larder/fridge freezer are own brands or made by the supermarket but to a high standard.

This comes back to that post where we discussed school meals and those African children having a meal for as little as 6p. And yet the meals at the school costing around £2 did not look any better.

Its not always quantity but quality that matters...

29 May 2012 at 20:31  

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