Well, they say it's good news, I don't know that it's particularly good news for me but I have finally received an e-mail to tell me that I am now ready to receive both my utility services from one company. I may save £100 discount at the end of the year because I signed with them(I assume they just reduce one bill by that amount)and as I am doing the account on line and not receiving paper bills they somehow give me another £45. What's that work out in savings...30p a day if that? But I guess you'll take anything that you can get.
I dislike the fact I have to pay standing charges on the meters but they say they offer a kind of discount on the units used so you sort of get some of that back.
I dare not ask what happens if I find I cannot afford to keep the internet and phone running...as I say the future is frightening financially for everyone! As the Bedroom Tax(for those in that dreaded housing now called "Social" housing)will be an extra £26 per week to find and the way Council Tax is collected and who they decide is helped is changing and if you get help you will be worse off and I reckon household income will reduce by £3,200.
That's approx £52 a week worse off. If you are on benefits no one knows how much of that extra money you'll be expected to find(It will depend on which benefits you receive)and if working it's unlikely your employer is going to award a pay rise and certainly it is not going to be as much a £52.
They just announced on the radio as I write this post the average rent on properties across the UK(it may just be England, I missed that point is £700 a month, £1,000 in London)and the average house if you are trying to buy will be £250,000. Just to cheer you up...
So as that well known song says you have take life "One Day At A Time." Easier said than done. I keep hearing every day of more food banks being set up and more people having to use them. And sadly, many of those contributing to the banks are in trouble themselves.
So though tempted to use the electric and gas as much as I can whilst I am able to stay comfortable ready for hard times that are coming but it's probably better to carry on being frugal and avoid using it if you can. Luckily, I don't know if it's because I am wearing the right clothes or it is not as cold yet but I am reasonably warm even if the house probably isn't.
The trick is I understand to wear layered clothing that traps air so if they are slightly larger that's even better. As I am bald and they say you can lose a lot of heat through your head(and feet)I'll even wear a woollen hat indoors...and socks...and gloves if needs be.
Perhaps I need a pair of those fingerless gloves that old Steptoe wore in the comedy series.
You can go for a good old hot water bottle, a warmer duvet in winter(I believe I have one unopened somewhere)sadly too big to wash in the washer but if only brought out during Winter and put in a cover, I may get a few years out of it before replacing it.
I now have an electric blanket and I also hear that a mattress topper(one of those memory foam types)can sometimes add heat. I have some fleece throws and blankets so they could even be put across the bed. many people when sitting wrap themselves up too. And again, they say keep having hot drinks, soup and yes, if you can afford to...hot meals.
There are many sites that give advice but often in a light hearted way(almost patronising)as for many in energy poverty it is worrying keeping yourself warm. That is why I am buying all that I can whilst I can so I am prepared before it happen to me, if it happens to me...
People might laugh that I have two microwaves, a halogen oven, a slow cooker, a George Foreman Grill. Some spare gadgets(like two electric kettles)but at least if something fails, I can fall back on a spare. The same with my food store, better to be ahead now than when the "S*** hits the fan!"
Here's one of the links that advises on how to stay warm, it also has links to another site for ideas for doing that and...to site with some great ideas for meal ideas...If a prompt comes up to do a survey you can say "No!" Perhaps, I have chosen the right time to bring this topic up as they are again saying that we can expect bad weather, torrential rain and gales...
Ten Quick Tips For Staying Warm
Stay Warm Without A Heater