Busy, Busy, Busy...
Been to the shops and purchased some strawberries, tomatoes, bin bags and a hanging basket and some winter pansies(couldn't walk home...had to get a taxi...)
Yesterday's shop cost me because I bought a kettle, hot water bottle and some shirts at the charity shop but the actual grocery shop was free because I did not use a taxi and I had some vouchers
I still have a £5 voucher I can use and do need a couple of items so I may use that...
Need to have a good clean out of rubbish but have tidied and vacuumed the house...I'll give it a dust later. When I have to pay for the service I'll get rid of it but for now I have a telephone service that if there was an emergency I can hit a button and the emergency services will be here without me having to do anything. When I get rid of it, I'll use my mobile, the land line or the internet if I need help or ask for help from a neighbour.
I may still think about having one of those mobility scooters...I have room for one if I stay here but if I did have to move the new property might not have the room for one perhaps I could insist that it has.
My neighbour(the only one who goes on about my trees and how his garden is affected, bumped into me the town centre as I bought my plants and he's on about the trees again
No one else around here does and they think he's a pain...He is! The last time my gardener was here he chopped loads off my trees to please him
and he's still not happy! I dread it when he catches me and he always eventually brings it around to the tree issue again...that's the only reason he bothers to talk to me, I'm not stupid.
He seems to know everything that I do. He notices when my curtains are closed or whether I am in the garden, If I am up late and have a light on my bedroom, he's a proper curtain twitcher. No one else is bothered about what I do...
Yesterday's shop cost me because I bought a kettle, hot water bottle and some shirts at the charity shop but the actual grocery shop was free because I did not use a taxi and I had some vouchers
I still have a £5 voucher I can use and do need a couple of items so I may use that...
Need to have a good clean out of rubbish but have tidied and vacuumed the house...I'll give it a dust later. When I have to pay for the service I'll get rid of it but for now I have a telephone service that if there was an emergency I can hit a button and the emergency services will be here without me having to do anything. When I get rid of it, I'll use my mobile, the land line or the internet if I need help or ask for help from a neighbour.
I may still think about having one of those mobility scooters...I have room for one if I stay here but if I did have to move the new property might not have the room for one perhaps I could insist that it has.
My neighbour(the only one who goes on about my trees and how his garden is affected, bumped into me the town centre as I bought my plants and he's on about the trees again

He seems to know everything that I do. He notices when my curtains are closed or whether I am in the garden, If I am up late and have a light on my bedroom, he's a proper curtain twitcher. No one else is bothered about what I do...
Your neighbour sounds a right pratt Anthony. Let the trees grow even taller. I work for an old guy who has a female neighbour exactly the same as yours....the fence needs fixing,....the paint colour is wrong....the trees are too high....blah blah....lemon sucking face whingeing on and on.
Next time you meet him....tell him you cannot understand a word he is saying!
He'll probably get his way and to be honest if I have to leave this propert and go to a smaller one with or without a garden, what happens then is out of my hands.
We may still be able to tidy things up to please everyone yet...I'll have word with my gardener when he returns...the weather has kept him away...
Really all that concerns me now is if I can stay reasonably healthy considering the conditions I have, try and avoid needing a carer or having to go into a home.
Can keep a roof over my head, eat reasonably well and stay warm and keep the internet going...I'll hopefully manage...even if the place I end up(is not as nice as where I am now)
If I can manage to stay put...I will...as long as I am destitute...
He will probably end up with someone with lots of kids when you move out (if you do) and then he will wish you were back there Anthony!
I had a similar problem with a neighbour who flogged off half his garden to build a house in the back. They built the house parallel to where my old tree was standing in my garden.
A couple of years later the new neighbours started moaning that the tree might fall on their house- I told them nobody asked you to build it there,the tree has been standing probably for a 100 years, their place about 2 years..I had expressed at the planning stage my concerns, but nobody is interested they just want to build houses.
Anyway spent a great of money having the tree trimmed so that no branches were overhanging their house - quiet for a while - then another storm, letters from their insurance company saying the tree was causing subsidence..
...still fighting as I don't see how the builders could have done their job properly in assessing the land the house was built on, if the house has subsidence.
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