I've enough to worry about with Mum(and with the cards fate has now dealt us)
I've always had to fight for anything that I am entitled to and often been without help that I probably could've claimed for or did not know of, so I missed out for years and years.
I have my own horror stories where I was heading for kidney transplant or dialysis, absolutely lacking in energy and so on but I still had to sign on as though fit for work but a few kind souls could tell that I was seriously unwell so probably as long as they could, they took a compassionate line with me and found ways to protect me, the rules were followed but I was unofficially allowed some slack. It was never said.
Of course some people were hard...I had someone in a wheelchair(who you'd hope would be compassionate)practically saying "If I can manage to get out there, why can't you?" Every individual is different.
I had a personal advisor at some point, she couldn't get my name right no matter how often we met or had it written in front of her. That's how much they cared. If successful she was probably on a bonus.
I had to attend an assessment regarding my fitness(this was before private companies were brought in to do the work)and that Dr said that I was fit! This was when I was being told things were not looking good.
I saw the report afterwards and a lot of what I had said was not accurately recorded(it was lies)
We also had trick questions where you could not win whatever you said...if you said I sit around watching TV all day(you are lazy slob)if you said I try to do a little walk and some exercise, they went away with the attitude of, if you can do that, you cannot be so ill. But the sickest person tries to improve themselves and most health experts encourage you to try and do some limited exercise.
With the help of a charity advising me, another Dr examined me and I was told I should never have been failed on the first test and probably should not have even had to attend an assessment(all the information was in the forms I had filled in and I had the support/evidence of my own Dr and a top hospital consultant)
I know under the new rules being brought in both of my benefits will be reduced by 20% and/or one is being scrapped altogether assuming they say I can still have it. Both if the proposed law is passed will be obsolete as they will be given a new name and there will be new conditions that will affect whether you qualify for it.
If it stops altogether heaven knows what stress and worry I'll be under.
Suddenly when any money stops, it is frightening even if you launch an appeal and many are successful. What do you live on whilst appealing?
Everything is up in the air again with proposals for some benefits being scrapped, amounts awarded reduced, conditions of the rights to some being raised, making it harder to obtain. You know the kind of thing...if you cannot walk 200metres without pain and difficulty, they'll now say it has to be 300metres.
And politicians and the media are playing their part in causing a "them" and "us" feeling in the population(genuine people with genuine concerns are ignored at large)but they always find the fiddlers and that gives all a bad name and an excuse to call everyone a scrounger.
Those in the media or Parliament will only know how difficult it is to get help if they suddenly find themselves without a job, they become ill or have to look after someone who is in need of care.
Someone once said to someone on Disability Living Allowance be careful what you admit to doing because if you look after someone and are receiving DLA they will probably say "you are fit as you are looking after someone" And take the award away.
They don't take into account it could still be very difficult to do and its a struggle but if you are the only living person who can be there 24/7 what choice do you have?
That benefit is to help people with disability problems live a more independent life but doing so they are now seeming to say you do not need it or you can manage on less. Because if you use aids to help you do daily tasks and help with mobility, it doesn't mean you are better but they are saying more than ever if you aids to help, you're alright.
We're always being told that there are many benefits that are never claimed. That looking after someone and keeping them in their own homes actually saves the State money.
When you've had to go through the system you can understand why many prefer not to take what they are entitled to.
Believe me I wish I was in a position where I did not have to depend on handouts and jump through the hoops but if you have to accept help you have no choice.
I have had times where I have not claimed what I could or not been entitled to a technicality. I have had times where I have been told(as in the case of Mum)we could've been claiming something for over 3 years and are now more less being told why didn't you?
A lot of people say "If you are genuinely looking for work" or "If you are genuinely ill, you've nothing to fear, you'll be looked after" Not forgetting those who think that because you look ok they have no idea how ill you are. If only, if only...
Unfortunately, any example given will always be(even if there are many examples)anecdotal and it is really difficult for some this to be heard or printed in the media, for whatever reason they seem to prefer to ignore an alternative view.
Many would not so bothered about having to be reassessed if they felt those carrying out the tests to be fair and you are allowed to give evidence from those who know you best such as Dr's, Consultants, Social Workers and so on but it has to be said few if any like the company that the Government uses for this task. And stories featured in links such as those below do not help increase confidence in how assessments are carried out and changes being brought in...
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