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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Feeling A Bit Down Today...

Well, in the last hour or so I'm finding it a little difficult to shake off the worry of what will happen when Mum has her next hospital appointment.

I'm not so worried about the operation and possible treatment Mum will be offered(Surgery or radio therapy)

Its that scan she is being lined up for...How bad will it be if it has spread and been growing for years(even if slowly)or how wonderful it would be if we were told the growth that we can see is all there is and it hasn't spread but that may be secondary cancer for all we know.

A little bit of forgetfulness I could live with and its to be expected as the population ages but to have to battle against both.

I'm away to give Mum a cuddle and my time...

I'm making headway on the tidying up and washing. Tomorrow I'll get vacuuming. And then I can give as much time as possible.

I'm hoping that Mum will still think about having what she said she fancied for a meal tonight, fish, chips and peas followed by Cornish ice cream but she's already had three Complans(which are nourishing)and she may have some soup later...but I like to try and get something on Mum's tummy at least once a day...

Oh Mum had some Gypsy Toast at lunchtime which had a full egg in the bread so that must do some good.

Scrub that! Mum had some soup, a creamy vegetable one and decided to have the scrambled eggs for breakfast.


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