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Monday, October 24, 2011

The New Washer Really Got Some Hammer...

In its first day...

I think I did approx 10 washes(some items I did twice)as I learn what's the best programme to use for various items. But I have a few odds and sods that are not worth putting through for so long and for so few and they are mixed materials.

So I may just wash those few by hand. The spin makes everything so dry everything is ready so quick or they will be if hung on a washing line, on a radiator or in the Tumble Drier for maybe 10 minutes. I doubt it will need to be on for a full cycle.

Now, more importantly...Mum slept not so good last night and every time I woke she seemed to be just sitting on the edge of the bed.

If I put her to bed she seemed to be back sitting on the edge of the bed within minutes so she's sleepy this morning so may have a sleep later as she's tired.

She did not eat as much yesterday...fewer Complans but she had a lovely thick creamy soup of sweetcorn, chicken and leek for supper and today in a few minutes after the carer goes she's going to have some wholemeal toast with manuka honey and later some Special K, banana, strawberry and whole milk later in the morning.

There is someone from the Carer's Association coming to see me later in the afternoon to discuss I assume if I need any help or support and explain what they offer but though at some point I may use their services for now I think it will be a case of saying thank you and not needing them.


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