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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

There's Been A Cancellation...

Someone has dropped out of having their scan so Mum has been asked to take the appointment at 2pm tomorrow afternoon...

Naturally we are concerned...

Here's hoping!

Update:Mum's had four Complans today, Two fish fingers, scrambled eggs,toast and Cornish ice cream...and of course the obligatory mugs of tea too.

If Mum wants to eat(and can manage to)she has to do so between 6am and 7am as any later the scan will be affected...


Anonymous Nicodemus said...

At least this reduces the period of speculation and worry, with too few facts to go on.

Let's hope it's good news tomorrow, anyway -- circumstances considered .

19 October 2011 at 17:32  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks Nicodemus,
I suppose it does. It feels weird. As though we're talking of someone else and this is a dream but its "real" life!

We had an official here helping us with possible extra financial help and it meant mentioning things that were quite private.

Even if we are entitled it felt strange having to tell such personal infomation and I feel a bit guilty having done so.

That's not me being proud by the way but when something is written down, its different somehow.

19 October 2011 at 19:57  
Anonymous Nicodemus said...

Interesting what you say about the weird and even dreamlike way that it feels. Maybe reducing everything to categories on forms and so on is inherently alienating? First, everything that really matters about the actual persons concerned is left out; but at the same time it still feels like a betrayal of privacy.

Thanks for your blog. I've had troubles of my own over the past year or two, and I've drawn comfort from your writings.

19 October 2011 at 22:10  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Nicodemus said...
"First, everything that really matters about the actual person concerned is left out; but at the same time it still feels like a betrayal of privacy.

Thanks for your blog. I've had troubles of my own over the past year or two, and I've drawn comfort from your writings."

You make very valid points, even writing my blog I have questioned what I write and whether I am doing as you say betraying Mum's privacy.

In many ways it is downbeat but I suspect the feelings I express are felt by many and you realise that you are not alone thinking such thoughts.

Not if you are sensitive and care for loved one's.

In a rare moment(and we have discussed "What if" you cannot get better)I am sure that this world still has many wonderous things that should be appreciated and often those things are free...such as sky full of stars, a flower in bloom, the laugh of a baby and many more examples can be found I am sure.

My Father never lost his sense of wonder.

It is a wonder how the universe was formed and how "we" and all living creatures came to be(whether you have a faith)or look at it on another level but unfortuanetly so many people are unable to experience such wonders because they are locked into a very mundane existance.

So many people keep telling us to just "Take Off!" but it is not always that simple.

Life can be I said to Mum the other day, you perhaps meet someone and fall in love and raise a family but no matter you do at some point you or one of your loved ones will pass away and how sad is that? And we cannot change it.

If my blog has brought comfort in some way I am very glad. And I do hope that you manage to find peace and a way through your pain.

Take Care...

19 October 2011 at 22:53  
Anonymous Nicodemus said...

Thanks for those kind words.

God bless...

20 October 2011 at 02:05  

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