Last Night...
Mum said in passing when she decided to talk about her illness(she tends to say little and accept the situation)she feels the best solution is to cut it out and in some respects she feels she is not getting any treatment as such.
Now, if she is so weak does that mean if Mum had an accident "All" treatment that would require an operation is out?
As I said earlier, if Mum's Radio Therapy is successful to some extent and the side effects are few I wonder if they could reconsider and decide to operate? Especially, if it has reduced so surgery is less intrusive and could be dealt with to avoid it spreading.
There are still many, many questions.
Perhaps, we'll manage to sort out something about the travel arrangements today when I talk to my Social Worker. Perhaps she can come up with some ideas...
Mum had her blood test yesterday so I am awaiting the phone call that may say she needs a transfusion again(hopefully not)but if it works we have no problem with that and it will be quicker this time because Mum's been there before.
Did a little shopping today and still managed to forget a couple of items. Silly thing like...some soap flakes for washing delicate items which as I came back with detergents it seems crazy that I forgot a washing powder. Wasn't helped by forgetting my shopping list.
For now though I don't go mad with shopping, it is still a case of I can buy whatever I wish without being too thrifty. But I was just thinking if I was alone how careful I would have to be and how little I can purchase in the future. I really will have to choose carefully and in many cases do without things I now enjoy.
The older I become, the poorer I know I am going to be. People tell me I will be fine, I still think that I will be struggling.
Now, if she is so weak does that mean if Mum had an accident "All" treatment that would require an operation is out?
As I said earlier, if Mum's Radio Therapy is successful to some extent and the side effects are few I wonder if they could reconsider and decide to operate? Especially, if it has reduced so surgery is less intrusive and could be dealt with to avoid it spreading.
There are still many, many questions.
Perhaps, we'll manage to sort out something about the travel arrangements today when I talk to my Social Worker. Perhaps she can come up with some ideas...
Mum had her blood test yesterday so I am awaiting the phone call that may say she needs a transfusion again(hopefully not)but if it works we have no problem with that and it will be quicker this time because Mum's been there before.
Did a little shopping today and still managed to forget a couple of items. Silly thing like...some soap flakes for washing delicate items which as I came back with detergents it seems crazy that I forgot a washing powder. Wasn't helped by forgetting my shopping list.
For now though I don't go mad with shopping, it is still a case of I can buy whatever I wish without being too thrifty. But I was just thinking if I was alone how careful I would have to be and how little I can purchase in the future. I really will have to choose carefully and in many cases do without things I now enjoy.
The older I become, the poorer I know I am going to be. People tell me I will be fine, I still think that I will be struggling.
"The older I am the poorer I know I am going to be."
Only in money, if that's what you mean. Thanks for your comment at my place, I am very busy currently and can't blog that much (even apart from 'cyber attacks'!)
Gildy, do you chat with anyone about your situation? I don't mean online, I mean "real" people (apart from your mum and the medical staff etc you cross paths with)
... speaking of which! has Paul (Baldinio's) blog gone?
Gildy, have you been in touch with Macmillans ? They can help in getting you the benefits you and your Mum are entitled to, and they can give you impartial advice as to whether your Mum could have the operation. I found Macmillans very good when my husband was diagnosed in 2003.
Judith aka Magenpie
That is the a person, I am who I am because of my parents and my life has been enriched.
Money wise I can accept being "poor" asthankfully I am not very materialistic. If I can afford to keep my pc's going, have a radio, eat reasonably well, buy a book or CD etc...I could get by.
But its the daily bills that make it difficult to survive even a basic lifestyle.
No, I don't have anyone to talk about this with. Unless a neighbour asks after us or I am talking with a couple of Mum's friends on telephone.
My only contact locally is the Social Worker, Carer, District Nurse Service and Consultant.
Since the initial visit form our Dr who set everything in motion even he hasn't paid a return visit.
I still don't understand what the cyber attack on your blog was all about but good to have you back.
As for Paul's blog, it was there yesterday when I looked but he hasn't posted for a few days...
Oh Judith...thank you for your comment, it means so much.
We do have Macmillans group on the town(open Mon, Wed, Fri 9.30am-Noon)I may have to go and have a talk.
I could do with some impartial advice. Its obvious that the hospital consultants see Mum as having pallitive care(the good sign is they say its a slow cancer)and she will likely as not pass away before it gets her.
That's a bit like trying to decide if your glass is half full, halfk empty.
Treating the symptoms rather than the actual cause. The Oncologist said last week it is a myth that if you have surgery it speeds up how quickly cancer spreads.
The scan results seemed better than I hoped.
Good news again but that's why it would be great if we could get rid of this damn tumour which so far seems to be the only sign of having it.
I may take up your idea Judith and go and see them tomorrow or friday...
Thank you
Gildy xx
Paul's blog does appear to have gone off line/been removed and s far as I know there was nothing wrong to waarant its dissappearence.
I think the last entry was only dated a few days ago...
Have you talked to the Specialist about the consequences of your Mum having surgical intervention ? Isn't there a chance it could damage the muscle round her back passage so she's completely incontinent ?Also, they might not think your Mother is strong enough to take a general anaesthetic, it's quite dangerous at your Mum's age. Palliative care would be if they just gave your Mum painkillers & did nothing else, they are doing all they can for her that's safe !
Yep, I tend to agree, I'm not working against you even if you feel that I am.
The case notes in the District Nurses file where they write reports have it down as pallative care...
We'll just have to see what happens and take each day as it comes.
I'd never forgive myself if I did not question or explore all possiblities even if we have to reject them.
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