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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Only Good News Amongst The Bad So Far...

The local retailer I popped into on Saturday, I phoned today to find out the opening hours and got hold of someone who knew more than who I saw at the weekend. It appears most items can be delivered the next day.

We can put the fridge/freezer and tumble dryer in the dining room. We know the vacuum cleaner we're buying but this is the best bit the retailer can and will do some joinery and plumbing so the washing machine will fit and be usable and if not will find a model that will. So all being well I am arranging and paying for all these items and discussing the installation later today.

Whatever happens I better go ahead and do so for Mum and I suppose from my own point of view it will do know harm to have what are seen to be essential gadgets for normal daily living.

The Tumble Dryer will have most use to me as I cannot always use radiators to dry items and if the weather is very bad I cannot always put everything on the washing line, if I move somewhere where there is no garden, a washing machine and tumble dryer will be a must. But as Tumble Dryers are quite heavy on electric I'll try and save it all up so I do only one big wash per week or whatever.

The washer is so good washing will be spun so much, the washing will be dryer for putting in the Tumble dryer so I may save 20 minutes drying time.

I have the option of extended shop guarantee and you pay monthly but I'm going to pay outright in case money is tight and I haven't any spare cash. I've already found something else to spend that money on, people keep saying you'll manage, you'll be ok, it will be a struggle...It is possible to survive on a very low income as a single person something else you haven't thought of makes you wonder where you will find the money to afford it. I have to take prescription drugs to keep me alive and try and stabilise a condition.

When I am finally alone unless I invest in a special certificate from the NHS I have to find approx £50 per month. And I can only avoid the charge when I reach the age of 60 and that's still a little way off. So a certificate is a must as I can save approx £500 but £104 still has to be found and something else will have to be dropped. Or move...
The washer, tumble and fridge/freezer are all Hotpoint, the vacuum is a Bissel. The shop looks really rundown and is a bit like an old wear house, wallpaper is coming off the walls and it could do with a lick of paint but goods wise the prices are lower than many places and delivery is free too. I think he knocked £10 off the vacuum.

The Fridge/freezer is slightly less expensive in white too...It might be a bit smaller than the one I have now but it should be ok for me. There were some really big models but they were probably too large really(They were taller than me)

I hate having to say that I have to use Mum's savings a little but because of buying items to make her life comfortable, the funeral and high energy bills because she's keeping the heating on more, I'd rather it was used to help Mum. It will never be reduced to a silly amount whilst Mum is alive and I'll be desperate to make what remains last as long as possible but I suspect even being careful it will last perhaps 2-3 years at most.

Then I'll need to apply for help again.

If I'd been around retirement age and on my State Pension I'd probably be reasonably comfortable but its too much for me to have in my own account and I'll be worse off coming into any savings Mum has.

And as I said previously I really would like to take some time off to contemplate before deciding what the future holds for me. I have a feeling that will not happen.


Anonymous VQ said...

Gildy, are you certain that you're not entitled to help with prescriptions?
People with certain illnesses are entitled to free prescriptions and so are people on some benefits.
I'm sure the pharmacist or doctor would know.
Also Citizens' advice or Age uk might be helpful.
The latter could also probably help with information about accommodation.
You're quite right that you must take your time to decide what's best. Don't be rushed into snap decisions.
Good luck, my friend.

13 October 2011 at 22:00  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thank you VQ.
On the practical side of prescriptions they are free in Scotland and Wales.

As we know if I reach 60 years of age I believe the same is true...that is coming around far too quickly...

But I understand a handful of diseases/ailments do get free prescriptions in England(Diabetes and Cancer)being the main two but many organisations are still fighting for their particular health problem to get similar treatment.

So far no help for people with Kidney problemms...

There was supposed to be a plan for England to have the same system but it was stopped because of some concern about the NHS not being able to afford this idea.

It will probably day...

14 October 2011 at 02:12  
Anonymous VQ said...

Gildy, I should have mentioned that Age UK is for anybody over 50. Their website is They have a chat page where you can ask for advice and there is probably a branch near you.

14 October 2011 at 05:28  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks again...

I'll be looking at many options when the inevitable happens.

14 October 2011 at 08:58  

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